Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Dry Skin Cream - The Most Effective Organic Skin Cream For Dry Skin

Just about every product out there qualifies to some extent to be considered a dry skin cream, but some will moisturize your skin far more effectively than others will.
This has to do with the fact that some products feature moisturizing compounds that can actually make your skin dry, while others contain compounds with properties that enable them to almost perfectly replicate the effect that your natural oil has on the skin.
What you want is a dry skin cream that contains no drying elements such as alcohol, which is commonly featured in moisturizing formulas despite the fact that they strip the skin of oil.
The excuse the cosmetics companies give for including alcohols in their formulas is that they are necessary as transport vehicles to allow some compounds greater penetration into the skin.
If these compounds need a delivery vehicle, then they are not substances suited for treating the skin.
Too often the companies use moisturizing compounds in their formulas that are too dense to effectively penetrate the skin.
The frequently used petroleum based moisturizing compounds mineral oil, petrolatum, and paraffin wax fit into this category.
Moisturizing creams that feature any of these ingredients will eventually make your skin dry out severely.
Not only does a dry skin cream featuring petroleum based moisturizing compounds frequently include alcohols, but they dramatically curtail the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands.
It seems that once the presence of this greasy substance is detected by the sebaceous glands, it is assumed that there is an adequate supply of moisture in the skin.
Sebum production decreases, and the skin becomes dry.
Substances that will not make your skin dry are plant derived compounds such as Maracuja passion fruit extract, Babassu wax, and grape seed oil.
Grape seed oil is an absolutely amazing moisturizer, and it provides a benefit that few realize is necessary.
What it does is inhibit the activity of the collagenase, elastase, and hyaluronidase enzymes that are rapidly causing the firming tissue and polymer in your skin to decompose.
Grape seed oil, along with Phytessence Wakame kelp extract prevents degradation, which allows you to maintain higher levels of firming tissue.
An enzyme laced protein complex fusion causes a significant increase in the production of collagen and elastin, and this fresh tissue is protected as well.
Imagine a dry skin cream that eliminates your wrinkles, while at the same time keeping your skin as deeply moisturized and nourished as possible.
This is the formula you need.

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