Travel & Places Hotels & Lodging

What Is It That Makes Hotel Grand?

When people look at the four and five star ratings for most of the hotels you see, they often get these expectations of some kind of luxury when they arrive at the hotel. It's a small to worry about when you look at it, but why is it that most of these hotels go to all the trouble to get a fourth or fifth star added to their names? Why do they want to achieve such an honour for their establishment, and how would they go about getting there in the first place? The good news is that the standard is internationally recognised and the bad news is that you have quite a rigorous overhaul to make if you want to get your lodge or hotel listed with the tourism board.

When you start out by looking for hotels to stay at, you simply can't just rely on the name alone. You have to dig a bit deeper. Take the site as an example and view what they have to offer. When you arrive at the site, the first thing you should notice is the star rating that the place has been awarded. Most establishments like to show off their rating to tourists to help convince them to stay at their places, and in most instances it works quite well. People are often drawn to the lap of luxury purely because it means that they will be treated well for the money they spend and they are guaranteed to a certain level of service when they arrive at the hotel or lodge. So if it is not just the name that makes a hotel grand, then what is it that earns them the extra stars? The service needs to be impeccable, and every need must be taken care of as quickly as possible. The food you present in your restaurant must be top shelf and made to perfection. The rooms need to have everything from their own hairdryers and bathrobes to full room service and housekeeping facilities that will tend to your every need. These standards are set out by the international tourism boards that govern the hospitality industries. You would need to contact them directly, to get the actual guidelines and you will have to get a compliance officer out to approve and ratify your rating according to the international standards.
Once you know that your hotel is certified, you can justifiably charge a suitable rate for the service you provide and you can begin to reap the benefits of having a world class establishment to offer your visitors.

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