Society & Culture & Entertainment Performing Arts

Sign Up For Dave"s Teleprompter School and Maybe You Too Can Become President!

The other day I visited an old vocational type school I attended in my early 20's, it was a film school.
I was gainfully employed in my own business at the time, but being a movie star, well isn't that every young person's dream who grows up in Southern California.
Turns out that Hollywood Film School had moved on from that location, and I had expected as much.
Since I could not find them in the phone book, I figured that sometime in the last 20-years they went out of business or something.
The funny thing was in that location now is "Dave's Teleprompter School" and I had a hell of a laugh over that one.
I half expected a little notation under the sign; "Learn how to read a teleprompter better than anyone else and become our future President.
" It did not say that, but I bet people signing up are thinking it, I know I did when I saw the sign, it was a sign of the times really.
Have you ever watched how President Obama tilts his head up and then reads the teleprompter at a 45-degree-angle and then switches back and forth from side to side? Well, they do that at Dave's Teleprompting School too, and as I looked in the window I was amazed.
Apparently, politicians, movie stars and TV announcers also go to this school.
No, I did not sign up, but I bet with a little practice, I could easily look as good on TV and read that those silly speeches.
How about you? Who wants to be on TV or become President, let's see a show of hands?

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