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How to Write to Publish

    • 1). Write about what you know and write as though you're talking to a friend.

    • 2). Join community writer's groups or online writing communities for writing tips and feedback on your work (see Resources below).

    • 3). Give a copy of your work to 10 friends or family members and ask them for feedback and suggestions.

    • 4). Decide whether you want to publish your work through an established publisher or if you want to self-publish. An established publisher could offer editing, graphic design, layout, legal guidance and marketing, but self-publishing gives you more control over your work.

    • 5). Research publishers that deal with the type of work you're writing. Check the current Writers' Market for publishers that print your type of writing if you decide to go with an established publisher (see Resources below).

    • 6). Prepare a query or proposal and submit samples of your work to publishers who seem to be a good fit. Follow the writer's guidelines carefully for each publication.

    • 7). Consider traditional and other formats. You may want your work printed on paper in the traditional manner, or you may decide an e-book is the way to go.

    • 8). Rewrite and resubmit as needed. Today's top selling authors were all rejected at one time or another. Keep trying and you'll succeed.

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