Health & Medical Lose Weight

Look at Those Curves! Great Body!

All of us want to get attention and one way to get it is to have a great body. Having a sexy and healthy body is one of the things that are so hard to accomplish as well as maintaining that kind of figure. You have to invest a lot on your patience and self-control. Just imagine controlling yourself from eating foods you love. Wow! That will be so hard for everyone who wants to lose weight. I really can't imagine myself not eating chocolates (A big NO, NO for losing weight).

Starting a particular diet is very hard but it is a step to lose weight. When you say diet, it doesn't mean that you can't eat foods that you love. It means control. You just have to watch out your food intake. Everything is hard to do when you are just starting out but when you get to the habit of it, you won't even realize that you are already in the habit of controlling what you eat. Learn to balance your diet. If you can, try to divert your attention in eating fruits and vegetables. It is healthier and it will be a big help to lose weight.

After diet, here comes exercise. To lose weight in the form of exercise, you must be disciplined. Spending a couple of minutes a day is a must. Yes, it should be everyday. Honestly, I am lazy when it comes to exercise. Most of us are just too lazy to exercise and we all have excuses. My usual excuse is "I don't have the time for it". Basically, we think that it is no fun at all and admit it, we don't like to sweat.

The best thing to do here is to motivate yourself and think of exercise as a form of your relaxation. Exercise can be a fun activity. Be creative. If you love to dance, spend some time of the day just dancing. If you have kids at home, why not play with them or run with them. If you have a pet, why don't you go out for a stroll in the park? While watching television, you may also exercise by just twisting your body for at least 10-15mins. There are so many ways to actually make exercise a part of our daily lives.

Rewards will sound good and we all want to have a reward after doing things that is hard. Why not set some goals for yourself and reward yourself when you reach it? After going through the hard work, you deserve an incentive. But remember, the best reward here is that you will get a great, healthy and sexy body making you feel good about yourself!

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