Health & Medical Lose Weight

5 Ways to Increase Metabolism Without Exercising

A healthy, in shape body burns more calories.
But you can get weight loss results without exercising.
There are some things you can do to modify the way you eat right now, finding ways to increase your metabolism and help you lose weight.
Increasing your 'at rest' metabolism can make a big impact on your weight loss.
You spend more time at rest than you do working out.
If you can increase your basil metabolism you are getting your body to burn more calories during the day when you're going through your normal activities.
Here are some ways to increase your metabolism.
The following are some changes you can make, other than exercise, which can increase your resting metabolism.
Don't Skip Breakfast.
We're all very busy and sometimes it's very easy to skip breakfast.
Many people find that if they don't eat breakfast, they don't get hungry until later in the day.
This is because your body is shutting down because it thinks it won't be getting anymore food for some time.
 For breakfast you should have some whole grain, like oatmeal or granola, some fat, like low-fat yogurt, and some protein.
Eat more often.
You should spread your food intake out to 4 to 6 small meals a day.
Eating frequently stabilizes your blood sugar which controls your appetite.
It also increases your metabolism because your body is constantly burning the food up as energy.
Eat protein at every meal.
Protein takes more time to digest so you feel full longer.
It will help reduce your appetite because you are taking the time and energy to digest it.
Include snack bars, fruit and nuts to get your protein.
Don't snack every time you feel hungry.
You may be feeling bored or tired.
Don't use this as an excuse to eat.
Take a brisk walk or drink a large glass of water.
If you're eating 4 to 6 times a day you do not need to snack as often.
Consume enough food so your body can keep fueling itself.
Your body is a furnace and it needs food to burn.
If you don't consume enough calories for your body to function, your metabolism will slow down.
The same is true if you eat infrequently.
Your body is trained to burn the calories it needs to survive.
It will also conserve calories when it thinks it is being starved.
Stay away from empty calories, such as candy and sodas.
Make the calories that you eat count or else you will have to find other ways to increase your metabolism.

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