Home & Garden Green Living

Building a Greener Home

How we decide to build our home, is one of the most important ways that we can help our future.
We have to think about how much energy is used in the building materials themselves, in their transportation and assembling.
Once the house is then built, how much energy does it use to keep its inhabitants comfortable? Here are some steps to help you build a greener home.
Use Local Materials In all countries, nature has provided us with some beautiful materials to build with.
These materials need little processing or transporting, the environmental and economic costs are low.
Some are renewable resources (like trees and straw), and some may be so abundant that their supply seems almost inexhaustible (like rocks and sand).
Some of the most beautiful buildings are those that fit well into their surroundings.
Build To Last One of the most important ingredients of sustainable building is durability.
If a building doesn't last for a long time, it would have been a waste of resources, not to mention the economic loss.
Very often builders will do poor work or use bad construction materials because there is a feeling that it only needs to last a few decades, and then it will be torn down to make way for the bigger and better.
When, what a lot of people desire is to keep the old buildings alive and in good condition to keep a connection with the past.
Use Renewable Energy There are many ways to conserve the use of fossil fuel; using the sun, wind, or water to produce electricity are among them, solar panels or wind turbines, can be fitted to your home.
Whether you get your electricity from alternative sources or from the grid, it pays to choose energy efficient appliances also.
Remembering to turn appliances off and not leave them on standby can be a big help to cut cost of energy use.
Compact fluorescent lights use about a third of the electricity of standard bulbs.
Many appliances use electricity by just being plugged in (known as phantom loads) always avoid this.
Think Small Small can also be beautiful.
There seems to be an urge lately to build huge mansion type houses.
These houses generally use a huge amount of energy to heat and cool and this energy usually comes from the combustion of fossil fuels, which then emits greenhouse gases and pollutants into the air.
Also, the larger the house, the more materials go into its construction; materials which may have their own environmental consequences.
When planning your home think about how much space you really won't need.
Think about clever designs where you can store things and how much 'stuff' you really will need.
You can get advice from many different sources when planning your new green home.
The local authority, builder's merchants and a good project manager can all help.
Never be put off by the thought of a little extra work as it all goes towards making a better way of life and a better environment in years to come.

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