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Yoga: Backward Bending Poses

Cobra Pose: Start by lying on the abdomen, arms by your sides with palms facing up, one cheek on the floor. Bring the legs together and place your palms under your shoulders with elbows close to the body. Place your forehead on the floor. Now slowly extend your chin forward and lift your head, neck and shoulders, using your upper back muscles. Do not push with the hands. Draw your shoulders toward the feet as you move upward. Hold as long as is comfortable. Return the chin to the floor, then the forehead. Repeat. When finished, return to the prone resting position with hands at sides and one cheek on the floor.

Half Locust Pose

This pose works your lower back and the hamstrings. Again, begin by lying on the abdomen, as above. Move your straight arms, palms up, inward under your body until your hands are under your thighs. Place your chin on the floor and straighten your right knee. Stretch the leg and raise it upward, keeping it straight. Hold for several seconds or until you feel the leg or back becoming tense. Lower the leg. Repeat with your other leg and then return to the prone resting position. Allow your breathing to speed up for this pose as necessary. You may want to move into the more difficult full locust pose by stiffening both legs, extending them outward and then lifting them both upward. Keep the arms under your torso with thighs resting on the upturned palms.

Bow Pose

Begin on the abdomen in the resting position. Bend your knees, bring the feet toward the buttocks and grasp the ankles with your hands wherever comfortable. Bring the forehead to the floor. This asana stretches the spine and pelvic area. If comfortable, bring your feet closer together and raise your head, shoulders and feet to form a bow. Come down gently. Roll over onto your back in the following relaxation pose and rest.

Corpse Pose

This pose is very relaxing and centering. Simply lie flat on the back with feet about shoulder-width apart, arms out by the sides, slightly away from the body, with palms up. Close the eyes and mouth and breathe normally.

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