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Make Soap: How To Make Soap At Home From Scratch

Let's discuss a popular topic today...
making soap at home.
With all the press about how many chemicals are in our commercial soap many people are turning to making their own soap at home.
If you are health conscious you may want to follow the suggestions below and get started with your own healthy soap for your skin.
You may be reluctant to try making soap on your own for fear you will not be able to do it right.
Let me assure you making soap is a fun process.
You may mess up your first batch or two, but you can usually salvage the soap for your own use.
So, you have nothing to lose but the chemicals found in the soap you are buying for your family now.
There are three main processes to making soap, the cold process, semi-boiled and full-boiled.
We will touch on all three.
Cold process soap Some people prefer this method when starting.
The soap is allowed to neutralize in the mold.
It is a simple process and the reason why it is good for beginners.
But, many choose to jump right in and start with one of the melting processes.
Semi-boil soap making In this method you use a double boiler to heat the ingredients to the desired temperature and mix the oil and lye together.
Full-boil method All ingredients are placed in a large container and heated together.
This is the method used by many large soap makers.
Here's a simple formula for soap making As you will see making soap is not complicated.
The most important point is to follow the recipe carefully and use extreme caution when handling lye, as it is very caustic.
Soap is basically oil and lye.
There are many other ingredients that can be added to make the feel and smell that you desire.
Any natural oil can be used.
Traditionally, animal fats were used in soap making, but now many soaps are made from vegetable oils.
All that is done is to heat the right amount of oil, by weight and the right amount of lye and water mixture to the right temperature and combine.
Then you add whatever fragrance or texture, like oatmeal, to the mix.
The mixture is then poured into a sheet mold and later cut after cooling or poured into individual molds.
Once cured,which can take several days depending on the type of soap make, the soap can be removed from the mold and enjoyed by you and your family and friends.
Home made soap makes a great gift.
Two, things to watch for, as mentioned above, be extremely careful handling the lye and watch the ingredients you place into your soap.
Your purpose in making your own soap is to have a healthier product for your skin, but if you are not careful the ingredients may contain additives you do not want.

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