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Free Astrological Chart For The Persons Born On February 8th, 17th, 26th Number 8 People In This Mon

If you were born on any of the above dates following the rules of Zodiacal Astrologer and my system of Chaldean Numerology you come under the vibrations of Saturn (Negative) and Uranus in the Sign of Aquarius Third House of the Triplicity of Air.

If born on February 26th being so far advanced in the cusp of the incoming Sign of Pisces ruled by Jupiter you will come under the influence of the latter planet as well as that of Saturn (Negative) and Uranus.

The basic foundation of your character and disposition is described in pervious pages for persons born in February.

The influence of Saturn (Negative) in this period of the year lasts up to February 19th when the cusp of Pisces commences but the influence of the incoming Sign does not come into its full power for seven days-namely until on or about February 26th.

If you were born on February 8th, 17th or 26th you will have a very decidedly marked personality of your own together with a life that will stand out among your fellows.

You will be a deep thinker no matter what your career may be but one with a philosophical turn of mind.

Very peculiar circumstances and opportunities will come into your life without your seeking them also a strangely fatalistic current of affairs will sweep you into positions of responsibility even without your seeking.

If born of February 26th the Jupiter influence will be likely to bring you greater success from a material standpoint, but all persons born under the influence of the number eight may expect sooner or later to be attacked by underhand enemies and to be the victim of calumny, scandal and hostile criticism.

Unless born into money the early years of such persons will be hard and difficult and will not give the promise of success that the latter years bring into being.

If you were born on any of these dates in February you may expect to meet severe trials and sorrows through your affections and in your home life.

Separation, illness or death is likely to play a strangely fatalistic role with those near and dear to you Marriage will bring you some unusual experience out of the ordinary and should there be children they will cause you grief or serious anxiety.

You will have more satisfaction mentally than materially. You will be likely to gain money become rich or hold some powerful position but for all such things you will be liable to pay too high a price.

The above mention details about free reading are given by Numerology . He is having thousands of clients and devotees worldwide who takes his Astro-Numerology .
You can contact him on +91 9936111075 INDIA for free astrology or Cheiros Astro-Numerology
add Astrologer Hemant Sharma [email protected] .

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