How to Be Most Productive When Working Your Network Marketing Business From Home
Working from home can be a challenge as well as a perk.
Our co-workers could be our spouse, kids or maybe a favorite pet.
All of these things can make demands on our attention if we allow them to.
Putting some boundaries into place can help when you are working.
If you are married and have kids that are at home when you are working, it is important that they know when you are working.
One of the signs that I use to allow my children to know when I am working is that I go into my office and shut my door.
There is never another reason that I go into my office and shut my door so they don't have to ask if I am busy since they already know.
Schedule Your Work Time Scheduling your work time helps everyone in the house know when you are going to be working.
You need to know when you are going to be working as much as anyone in your house does.
If you don't schedule your work, you could feel like you are working all of the time.
Invest In Ear Plugs It is easy to hear something going on outside of your office and want to get involved.
Investing in a good set of ear plugs can really help you keep your mind on what you need to get done instead of being sidetracked and having to refocus.
Putting on some relaxing music can also help drown out the noise, but having both the music and the ear plugs is even better.
Work in Short Time Blocks Short time blocks can keep you from feeling stressed about a long work period.
When you are less stressed, you can feel more focused.
Being able to focus will allow you to be much more productive.
Did you know that every time you are interrupted, it takes twenty minutes to get back in that focused state? Having time blocks is a must when you want to keep that focus without getting overloaded.
Take Frequent Breaks In between those time blocks you can take ten or fifteen minute breaks so that you can allow your mind to relax.
Always make sure to stretch your eyes during these breaks so that you don't get a headache from staring at the computer screen all day.
Look at objects that are at least three or four different distances away.
Our co-workers could be our spouse, kids or maybe a favorite pet.
All of these things can make demands on our attention if we allow them to.
Putting some boundaries into place can help when you are working.
If you are married and have kids that are at home when you are working, it is important that they know when you are working.
One of the signs that I use to allow my children to know when I am working is that I go into my office and shut my door.
There is never another reason that I go into my office and shut my door so they don't have to ask if I am busy since they already know.
Schedule Your Work Time Scheduling your work time helps everyone in the house know when you are going to be working.
You need to know when you are going to be working as much as anyone in your house does.
If you don't schedule your work, you could feel like you are working all of the time.
Invest In Ear Plugs It is easy to hear something going on outside of your office and want to get involved.
Investing in a good set of ear plugs can really help you keep your mind on what you need to get done instead of being sidetracked and having to refocus.
Putting on some relaxing music can also help drown out the noise, but having both the music and the ear plugs is even better.
Work in Short Time Blocks Short time blocks can keep you from feeling stressed about a long work period.
When you are less stressed, you can feel more focused.
Being able to focus will allow you to be much more productive.
Did you know that every time you are interrupted, it takes twenty minutes to get back in that focused state? Having time blocks is a must when you want to keep that focus without getting overloaded.
Take Frequent Breaks In between those time blocks you can take ten or fifteen minute breaks so that you can allow your mind to relax.
Always make sure to stretch your eyes during these breaks so that you don't get a headache from staring at the computer screen all day.
Look at objects that are at least three or four different distances away.