No More Stink or Carcinogens with Electronic Cigars
Now cigar smokers can enjoy the feel and taste of a good cigar without the stink or carcinogens by using an Electronic Cigar. If you are one of the many smokers who enjoy smoking a tobacco cigar, you have probably heard, repeatedly, that they stink. The residue from toxins and smoke is what makes your hair, breath, and clothing smells bad. If you smoke a cigar in your car or home, they also smell bad.
Overall, whenever you burn anything, there is a bad odor whether it is leaves, paper, or cigars. Some non-smokers compare cigar smoke with the foul odor of burning tires. There are numerous chemicals in tobacco cigars that when burned, turn into a toxic cloud of gas producing harmful secondhand smoke. When you stop smoking the bad odor remains for hours.
The e-cigar has no foul smell. Already, thousands of smokers are changing from cigars and cigarettes in an attempt to regain the health, which others enjoy. Even those who had to give up smoking because of respiratory problems are again enjoying good e-cigars. They simply leave out the nicotine while vaping.
Others, who are interested in quitting, are finding it is much easier with a good electronic cigar. Previously, your only choices in quit smoking aids were limited to medications, nicotine patches, and nicotine gum, which also had numerous unpleasant side effects.
Smokers are discovering that it is possible to receive controlled amounts of nicotine, which enables them to decrease their dependence gradually. Additionally, when using a water vapor it does not stink since there is no smoke, only the water vapor. The e-liquids used for producing the vapor, is also an ingredient found in toothpaste, in asthma inhalers, and even in foods as a food additive that are obviously safe.
The electronic cigar, designed to deliver a smoke-like water vapor without the stink, is an excellent way to help smokers reduce their cravings or quit entirely. Many online services offer low prices, including the specialty Cuban cigars, to give you the best kind to smoke. They also proclaim, "Just when you thought you would have to give up smoking cigars, the electronic cigar is a pleasant experience."
There are no substances in the type cigar that will yield the stinky toxic smoke that tobacco cigars produce. E-cigars provide the same satisfying pleasure of smoking a high quality tobacco cigar, without the toxic smoke. They relieve the psychological actions of smoking with the hand to mouth movement you are currently using and the use of nicotine.
E-cigars contain nicotine in several prepackaged levels or regulated by the person vaping, including no nicotine at all. Since you are always the person in control of the liquid nicotine levels you can taper the amount, when you are ready, to decrease your dependence on nicotine. Some ex-smokers use a little less on average days, alternate amounts when vaping throughout the day, or a little extra on days with a lot of stress.
Good e-cigars are much cleaner than tobacco cigars, there is no reason to have an ashtray with ashes and nasty butts, and there is no bad smell lingering for days. They look just like other fine quality cigars, simply with a much better flavor and minus the burning toxic gas so there is no stink with a good electronic cigar.
Overall, whenever you burn anything, there is a bad odor whether it is leaves, paper, or cigars. Some non-smokers compare cigar smoke with the foul odor of burning tires. There are numerous chemicals in tobacco cigars that when burned, turn into a toxic cloud of gas producing harmful secondhand smoke. When you stop smoking the bad odor remains for hours.
The e-cigar has no foul smell. Already, thousands of smokers are changing from cigars and cigarettes in an attempt to regain the health, which others enjoy. Even those who had to give up smoking because of respiratory problems are again enjoying good e-cigars. They simply leave out the nicotine while vaping.
Others, who are interested in quitting, are finding it is much easier with a good electronic cigar. Previously, your only choices in quit smoking aids were limited to medications, nicotine patches, and nicotine gum, which also had numerous unpleasant side effects.
Smokers are discovering that it is possible to receive controlled amounts of nicotine, which enables them to decrease their dependence gradually. Additionally, when using a water vapor it does not stink since there is no smoke, only the water vapor. The e-liquids used for producing the vapor, is also an ingredient found in toothpaste, in asthma inhalers, and even in foods as a food additive that are obviously safe.
The electronic cigar, designed to deliver a smoke-like water vapor without the stink, is an excellent way to help smokers reduce their cravings or quit entirely. Many online services offer low prices, including the specialty Cuban cigars, to give you the best kind to smoke. They also proclaim, "Just when you thought you would have to give up smoking cigars, the electronic cigar is a pleasant experience."
There are no substances in the type cigar that will yield the stinky toxic smoke that tobacco cigars produce. E-cigars provide the same satisfying pleasure of smoking a high quality tobacco cigar, without the toxic smoke. They relieve the psychological actions of smoking with the hand to mouth movement you are currently using and the use of nicotine.
E-cigars contain nicotine in several prepackaged levels or regulated by the person vaping, including no nicotine at all. Since you are always the person in control of the liquid nicotine levels you can taper the amount, when you are ready, to decrease your dependence on nicotine. Some ex-smokers use a little less on average days, alternate amounts when vaping throughout the day, or a little extra on days with a lot of stress.
Good e-cigars are much cleaner than tobacco cigars, there is no reason to have an ashtray with ashes and nasty butts, and there is no bad smell lingering for days. They look just like other fine quality cigars, simply with a much better flavor and minus the burning toxic gas so there is no stink with a good electronic cigar.