Health & Medical Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

Liposuction for Adolescents

Liposuction is a solution for those who wish to lose stubborn fat deposits in the body. Even adolescents wish to go through it in order to achieve a trim body. Both male and female teenagers often have problems with their weight and stubborn fatty regions in some areas of their bodies. Parents these days often consent to their children undergoing operations such as these in order to help their child with peer pressure and body image problems.

Doctors' Advice

For the most part, many plastic surgeons actively encourage teenagers under the age of eighteen to explore their options before undergoing liposuction. It's important to understand that the procedure aims to remove certain pockets of fat from the body, and that it's not an alternative to proper weight loss and leading a healthy lifestyle. The doctors do not want younger individuals to expect miracles from plastic surgery and to be under the impression that the operation is akin to waving a magic wand that transforms someone into a new, fitter and leaner body.

Counseling may be suggested for teens with body image issues to encourage them to view themselves in a different, more positive light. Exercise might also be suggested for those who are not actually deemed to be in need of cosmetic surgery. In some cases, parents might also be encouraged to set a good example concerning their lifestyle, diet and health. The most important value to instill, though, is a healthy perception of one's own body.

For those who actually decide to undergo the surgery, surgeons will need parental consent as well as have in depth conversations with both the parents and the teen. These are safeguards that will emphasize to the teen that surgery is not something that can be taken for granted and not a cure all for everything to do with body image. Psychological issues may exist surrounding this and should be taken into consideration before a surgery is pursued.

Pros and Cons

The benefits of a teenager getting liposuction are the confidence and relief that it brings. Many teenagers feel threatened because of a self-perceived inferiority to their "slimmer" peers. Self esteem is basically elevated as well as having more self confidence in associating with other people. It is a fact of life that middle puberty can be difficult due to the need to fit in and blend with most kids in school and the peer group.

The disadvantages of this procedure lie mainly on the after effects that the body has to it. Immediate reactions to the anesthetic can be negative and can complicate the operation, although there are already some tests that can determine if the person might have a negative reaction to the drugs given during and after the operation. The development of an infection is a complication that has a high probability of occurring if the patient does not follow the doctor's prescription and instructions after the procedure. Bruising and swelling are normal occurrences that may happen within the next few days after the liposuction procedure. These will go away in a short while but it is advisable to consult the surgeon of they do not go down after several days.

Above all, potential teenage patients and their guardians should approach this type of surgery with caution. Puberty may result in fluctuating weights and fat deposits that may shift with age. Liposuction is a solution if there's a particularly abnormal distribution of fatty regions on the body, but in adolescents, its use is nowhere near as common as it is in adults.

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