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Engineering Education and Colleges in India

The growth and development field of technology in India started with the arrivals of Britishers. Construction of aerodromes, and several important government building, town planning and architecture, laying down of the railway tracks, construction of mines etc. - all were the gift of British technocrats. The late 19th century saw advent of many key engineering on the firmament of British Indian skyline. It was the time of industrial growth.

Over the years, field of technology sector in India has seen a consistent vertical growth. Talk of information technology, or nuclear technology, or aeronautical field of technology, or for that matter just anything, one can feel field of technology innovations happening all around. And remember, one of the key factors behind green revolution in India was advancement in agricultural technology.

Today, field of technology has evolved as the huge field offering several fields of study. India has few very best field of technology colleges in India. The Indian Institute of Technology (or what is otherwise popular as IIT) was one of the reasons behind growth and development industrial sectors in India. The high quality field of technology education given at IITs gave Indian field of technology students to foray and explicitly show their skills in the international community.

IIT was an autonomous body and offered 4 years of undergraduate field of technology degree in various disciplines. The course curriculum was comprehensive and covered all aspects including the production as well as designing.

Many private colleges have also arrived on the scene, and these colleges are fulfilling the growing demand for quality technocrats. These colleges have state of the art equipment and experienced pedagogy to impart superior field of technology education. India is seeing a positive and effective transformation in field of technology education.

The popular streams of engineering offered by private engineering colleges across India are:

€ Aeronautical Engineering
€ Automobile Engineering
€ Biomedical Engineering
€ Biotechnology Engineering
€ Chemical Engineering
€ Civil Engineering
€ Computer Engineering
€ Computer Science & Engineering
€ Electrical & Electronics Engineering
€ Electrical & Instrumentation Engineering
€ Electrical Engineering
€ Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
€ Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
€ Electronics and Communication Engineering
€ Information Technology
€ Instrumentation & Control Engineering
€ Mechanical Engineering
€ Telecommunication Engineering

The scope and development field of technology education has undergone phenomenal change in the recent times. With the coming up of state of the art private field of technology colleges and institutions, the face of India's industrial sector has grown magnificently. Indian engineers are giving a tough competition in the world, and they are making their mark in almost every sector of engineering. They are respected for their work and knowledge. Undoubtedly, back in India, the engineers are playing critical role in nation building process.

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