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All the Details About Microphones For You

Though the modern microphones follow the same principle, they do it electronically.
And thus, it captures pressure waves in the air and converts them into electric signals.
Microphones are of different types, and they differ in their functioning too.
Generally, there are five types of microphones commonly used for various purposes.
Condenser microphones: They are also called capacitors as the diaphragm acts as one plate of a capacitor that responds to the sound waves.
The movement that happens changes the capacitance of the capacitor and it is amplified to create a signal.
However, these microphones run on a small battery to provide voltage across the capacitor.
These microphones produce high quality audio signal and are commonly used in studio recordings.
Dynamic microphones: These microphones work through electromagnetic induction.
In this system, the sound wave creates a vibration in the diaphragm which makes the magnet or the coil to move and this movement creates a small current.
However, these microphones are very hardy and resistant to moisture and are quite economical.
And thus, they are widely used for stage performances.
Ribbon microphones: In these microphones, a thin metal ribbon is suspended in a magnetic field.
And it is moved by the sound wave that changes the current flowing through it.
Ribbon microphones usually do not require phantom power but there are some ribbon microphones that have pre-amplifiers and so need phantom power.
Carbon microphones: These are perhaps the oldest and the simplest microphones that were once used in telephones.
Carbon microphones use carbon dust and they have a thin metal diaphragm on one side.
As the diaphragm is hit by the sound waves, it compresses the carbon dust that changes its resistance.
By running a current through the carbon, the changing resistance changes the amount of current flow and thus produces an electrical signal.
Although they are quite robust they cannot reproduce high quality sound and have limited frequency.
But these can be used as a type of amplifiers.
Crystal microphones: These microphones have a diaphragm attached to a crystal that crates a signal when the sound wavers hit the diaphragm.
Basically, the crystal microphone uses the theory of piezoelectricity.
However, they are commonly used with vacuum tube equipment like domestic tape recorders.
Other than these types of microphones, there is another type of microphone that is widely used these days.
It is called wireless microphones.
They are portable and have a versatile way of recording and broadcasting sound, without a cable connection.

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