Society & Culture & Entertainment Education

Liven Up Your Training Programs!

Trainers sometimes worry that the participants in their training programs are simply vacationing in their seats rather than actually learning anything.
These trainers would give anything to see a glimmer of interest and understanding in their participants' eyes.
Some trainers think it is impossible to make a program about a dry topic interactive and engaging.
Other trainers are afraid to stop lecturing and launch their learners on a voyage of self- discovery because they might lose control over the program.
However, there is a lot that trainers can do to increase the probability that their learners will demonstrably learn and "be happy" doing it! And to paraphrase accelerated learning guru Dave Meier, using interactive learning strategies will make the trainers' lives easier because they can stop doing what their learners should be doing for themselves and for each other.
Lecture was never an effective training method for many learners.
Now that younger generations with different learning styles are employed in the workforce, there is an increased need for more interactive and experiential training methods.
Interactive learning strategies engage learners by allowing them to actively participate and verbally respond within the learning environment.
Group discussion, case studies, questionnaires, and crossword puzzles fall within this category, which is characterized by mental stimulation and verbal expression.
Experiential training methods engage learners physically, mentally and emotionally in a multisensory experience.
Simulation, visualization, dramatization, role plays and physical movement fall within this category, which is characterized by emotional stimulation and physical expression.
All of these methods have been proven to increase the probability of learning retention, which means that they are more cost-effective.
In our highly budget-conscious environment, it is imperative to use training methods that will provide the best return on investment.
The equation is very simple: the more senses engaged in the learning process, the greater the likelihood that new learning will be retained.
That is why it is so important to actively involve participants in learning activities that require them to verbally interact and to physically apply their new learning.

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