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How to Use Pizza Menus to Increase Your Average Ticket Size (Upsell!)

When using pizza menus to advertise your business, there are certain 'tricks of the trade' that can actually help you to significantly increase the average ticket size.
In business, we know this practice as 'upselling'.
Pizza menus can do the job for you with little effort if they are designed in a way as to do the upselling for you for you! Here are proven techniques that increase ticket sizes when properly used on your pizza menus.
Strategically Placed High Profit Items One of the things you will notice is that most menus display their high profit items in a place of prominence on the menu.
There is actually a science behind this technique in that we read from left to right and top to bottom.
Most high profit items such as appetizers and/or high profit dishes are strategically located at the upper left hand corner of the menu.
This is because we have been trained to read from the upper left hand corner, across and then down.
The first place that patron will look is up and to the left.
Someone who simply wants a pizza will spot those high profit items, guaranteed! Mouth Watering Images Now that they've spotted those delectable appetizers, tempt them even further with photos of a few of your high profit dishes that are hard to resist.
That customer might have set out to buy an $8 pizza and end up with a $12.
95 Tour of Italy.
Use crisp, clear, full color photos of your best selling, high profit dishes and place them in near proximity to those appetizers or near the pizza portion of the menu.
Mouth watering dishes scream to be eaten and often tempt customers away from ordinary, lower priced pizzas.
(Of course your pizzas aren't ordinary, but when upselling it's OK to paint them in that light!) Use Discounts and Coupons to Increase Sales? It's almost unbelievable, but discounts and coupons on your pizza menu can actually increase your average ticket size considerably.
Why do you think all those big pizza chains have 'family deals' and 'sports night specials' on their menus? Quite obviously because they sell! If someone is going to buy one pizza, but hedging whether they would actually need one or two, those 'bargains' might just push them over the edge.
In their eyes, even though they are paying more, they are also saving more as well! Coupons and discounts are one of the most effective methods of upselling when added to your pizza menu.
Utilizing some (or all!) these proven techniques on your pizza menus to upsell can net you a considerably higher profit.
They have all been used successfully to increase average ticket sizes that may generate an extra $4 to $6, or more, per ticket! Take the time to analyze some of the menus that are being used by the big chains, and you will see these marketing techniques employed.
You may even spot others you could 'borrow' to use on your pizza menus to help you increase your average ticket by upselling.
Let the menu do the selling, which frees your staff to make the pizzas and run the register!

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