Health & Medical Women's Health

Fishy Vaginal Odor and What You Can Do About it

Females who may be suffering from Bacterial Vaginosis or other infections may be circumspect.
It is absurd that even girls who are not yet sexually active can contract some of the vaginal infections.
Bacterial reaction between the proverbial good and bad is common in the vagina.
When good wins, all is well.
When evil triumphs, there is itching, swelling and palpitation.
The infection has arrived.
It arrives with a discharge which may be thick or thin, depending on the infection.
But the associated fishy odor is always there.
It has a continuous bearing on the mind and the affected lady is bound to get shy of appearing in public.
The pH value is important in the area and the neutral is considered best.
The content is often about 4.
During the vaginal infections, it may go to 4.
The alkaline tilt has a laboratory smell to it.
It gets pronounced during sex as the penetration brings forward the union of sperm and the discharge.
Sperm has a high pH value and the smell is thus great in ladies affected with infections.
Ovulation period, menstruation; these are field days for the fishy smell.
The odor may be got away by using certain innovations.
Panty liner is one of the best in this regard.
The girls are often found lining their panty hose with the stuff and restrict the smell inside.
Of course that entails daily washing of the panties.
It is good to keep the vagina exposed and dried.
Wetness is a breeding ground.

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