Health & Medical Family Life & Health

How to Identify Symptoms of Clogged Arteries



Look for the "typical symptoms" of a heart attack. These include shortness of breath, chest pains and numbness in your arms and legs. Specifically, notice if you are feeling more than one symptom at a time, as this typically means you are at an increased risk. These symptoms typically fall into at least one of these areas: heaviness, aching body parts, numbness, burning and squeezing pain. If you feel any other awkward pain you should also consult a doctor immediately.

Check your heart's rhythm. For instance, irregular heart beats such as the speeding up and drastic slowdown of heart rates when you aren't active can mean clogged arteries have occurred.

Examine your typical "body functions" such as your ability to walk, talk and even your levels of sweating. Many clogged artery patients experience dizziness when walking, and sometimes that dizziness may only be slight yet still noticeable. Other individuals lose their full ability to speak and experience higher-than-normal levels of sweating.

Monitor the rest of your body. If you begin to feel dizzy for no apparent reason, your vision becomes blurry, you experience jaw pain or if you even feel a sense of hopelessness, you may have clogged arteries that are close to leading to further complications.

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