How to get from Porto to the Douro Valley wine region
On this page you'll find information on how to get from Porto to Regua in the Douro Valley by bus, train, car and guided tour. You can also continue on to other points in the Douro Valley, including Pinhao which is less than 30 minutes away by train from Regua.
See also:
A guided tour is a great way to see the Douro Valley.
You can certainly go on your own but a guide will organize everything from confirming that the best quintas (wine estates) are open and taking you to ones accessible only by car.
See here for a Douro Valley Tour from Porto. You can even upgrade to include a river cruise, which is the best way to see the valley.
See also:
Porto to Douro Valley by Guided Tour
A guided tour is a great way to see the Douro Valley.
You can certainly go on your own but a guide will organize everything from confirming that the best quintas (wine estates) are open and taking you to ones accessible only by car.
See here for a Douro Valley Tour from Porto. You can even upgrade to include a river cruise, which is the best way to see the valley.