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All You Need to Know About Google AdSense

Google AdSense is a great way to make money.
There are some pretty strict rules that need to be followed.
One thing to remember is that there are also many resources out there for you to research so that you are aware of them.
Google suspends and closes many accounts every single day.
The main reason for this is that the company or website does not follow the standards and guidelines that are in place.
They do not promote or support people that are looking to scam others.
The best thing that you can do is to ensure that you are running an honest business site.
Maintain your integrity and do not give in to easy money scams.
The Google policies are quite clear some examples of what they do not want are: No Ad ware, they do not want affiliation pop ups that people do not want to see.
You can also not click on your own links, or have family or friends producing unfounded visit numbers by doing the same.
They are very strict with regard to their trade mark, you should NEVER use the Google trademark unless you have specific approval from them.
Some people have gotten creative over the years and decided to change some of the computer code with regard to AdSense.
This is a huge no no, they are the keeper of the keys you can not make changes to suit your own needs.
The best way to be successful is to be honest, and have no hidden agendas.
Build an environment that will be user friendly.
If you do not like the somewhat strict guidelines then perhaps AdSense isn't for you.
The rules are in place to protect not only Google, but you as well everyone else that uses the program.
In conclusion Google AdSense can make money for you.
If you are dedicated and work hard you will see results.
Just keep in mind the rules and guidelines and follow them.
There are many people that make a living working with the program so the potential is there for great success.

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