Travel & Places Car Rentals

Keep Safe On Your Algarve Villa Rental Holiday

Many people are in the process of looking for Algarve villa rentals for this years summer holiday. Algarve Villa rentals offer fantastic holiday opportunities however when on holidays it is also important to remember some safety tips for when you arrive.

• On arrival check exit points in the event of an emergency – make sure your fellow guests know what to do if they have to leave the villa in a hurry.

• Check the location of a fire extinguisher.

• Take a few minutes to look for potential hazards, particularly water features etc.

• Keep young children away from balconies.

• If you are unsure of how electrical items work, check with the management company for assistance. It will waste your holiday time and might lead to more problems if you try to fix everything yourself.

• Use any fireguards or other safety equipment provided in your Algarve villa, they are there for a reason.

• Many Algarve villa rentals have tiled floors etc, if your children are running in and out of the pool and into the house this will increase the risk of them or you slipping so be vigilant.

• If your property has a pool then check where life buoys are kept, check for depth markers and advise your children accordingly.

• If you are using the pool remember the rules that you would have observed at your local swimming pool, i.e. No diving, no bombing etc. Although it is your own pool for the week keep in mind that you have a responsibility to keep your children and you as safe as possible.

• Keep Children supervised.

This list is not exclusive so remember to pack your common sense when you travel. Be Careful, Be Safe.

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