Health & Medical Traditional Chinese medicine

Acupuncture for Fertility: Myth or Fact?

Acupuncture is an ancient way of healing from China.
The technique is carried out by inserting thin, hair-like needles into the skin to stimulate energy points inside the body.
Different energy points are connected to or associated with different parts of body.
The insertion of needles at particular energy points may help improve the flow of vital energy (qi) to the associated body part.
Besides being used for treating health problems such as headaches, rheumatism, and back pain, the treatment is also believed to be beneficial for gynecological and fertility problems such as recurrent miscarriages, menstrual cycle irregularities, endometriosis, low sperm count, motility, and morphology, and even unexplained infertility.
However, in this short article we will discuss acupuncture treatments specifically for treating fertility disorders in women.
Paul C.
Magarelli, an infertility doctor at the Reproductive Medicine and Fertility Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado, believes that acupuncture has significant impact towards the enhanced success rate of in vitro fertilization (IVF).
The doctor, along with Dr.
Diane K Cridennda, a licensed acupuncturist at the East Winds Acupuncture in Colorado Springs, Colorado cites studies in America and Europe that reveal that acupuncture can increase female fertility.
Although Dr.
Magarelli was at first skeptical concerning the use of acupuncture for fertility in women, the results from the acupuncture-related research indicates that the Chinese technique indeed works for women with infertility problems.
The studies indicate that doing an acupuncture treatment 30 minutes before and after the implanted IVF increases the chance of survival of the implanted embryo as well as reducing the chance of miscarriage.
The needle treatment helps women with infertility problem by improving the circulation to the uterus, which increases chance of the lining to strong enough to hold the embryo to full-term.
People who undergo various infertility treatments tend to be under pressure.
With the treatment, not only do the needles solve the infertility problems, they also give relaxation towards the body.
In fact, relaxation is a necessity in acupuncture treatment.
As the body relaxes, all bodily systems will function better.
However, like other medical or alternative treatments, acupuncture treatment does not show instant results.
It takes several sessions of the therapy in order for results to begin to be noticed.
And although the therapy is done by inserting needles into our skin, it does not hurt.
People who underwent acupuncture (not only for fertility disorder but also for other health problems) confess that the needles will sting a bit at the beginning of the treatment, but as we get used to it, it does not hurt.
People with needle phobia are also suggested not to automatically dismiss the treatment, as acupuncture can be very relaxing that it also enhances blood flow in our body.
Remember that these needles are much thinner than the hollow ones used for injecting medications like vaccines.
A study conducted by Stener-Victorin and friends from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fertility Center, Scandinavia and University of Gothenburg revealed that the best time to receive acupuncture is before and after the embryo transfer.
These doctors also suggested that the success of the treatment would increase if the acupuncture treatment were also supported by other treatments such as herbal medicine.
When combining acupuncture with herbal medicine, make sure your physician finds out about it.
Sometimes, herbal and clinical drugs may have opposite effects that may counteract the pregnancy effort.
As miscarriages often occur during the first trimester of pregnancy, pregnant women are suggested to keep getting the treatment through week twelve to strengthen the uterus and thus prevent the miscarriage.
Although acupuncture has little to no side effects, there are some risks of the treatment, which include miscarriage.
The risk may occur when the treatment connects to incorrect energy points in our body.
Therefore, when undergoing acupuncture for fertility, make sure to choose an acupuncturist who specializes in treating fertility disorders.
Apart from that, acupuncture is considered safe regardless the medical history of a person.

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