Health & Medical Lose Weight

Why Can"t I Lose Weight Or Keep Weight Off?

In order to lose weight and maintain permanent weight loss, you'll have to adopt living a healthier lifestyle.
This is nothing new to you, I'm sure; but what you may not know is that you have the power and capability to completely change the way you feel about eating healthy and exercising regularly.
You can actually learn how to enjoy eating healthy foods and exercising on a regular basis.
I'm talking about a sincere and genuine enjoyment.
So what is keeping you from experiencing that enjoyment that-if attained-would put you on autopilot toward successful and (even better) permanent weight loss? You already know the answer! Your beliefs and thought patterns! Root vs.
Before we go any further, you must understand something.
Your excess weight is merely a symptom of something that is deeply rooted.
Trying to cure it with diet and exercise alone is like trying to cure an infection by taking a pain pill.
The pain pill only addresses the symptom of pain associated with the infection; but unless you take an antibiotic to kill the cause of the pain (the infection), the pain with continue to come back.
In fact the pain often gets worse the longer the cause of the pain (the infection) is left untreated.
The same is true regarding using diet and exercise alone to fix your excess weight problem.
Your excess weight is a symptom of your toxic beliefs and negative thought patterns.
Dieting and exercising only addresses the symptom of your excess weight associated with toxic beliefs and negative thought patterns.
The excess weight will come back unless you destroy those toxic beliefs and negative thought patterns (which is the cause of your excess weight).
In fact, the weight gain will get worse the longer its cause is left untreated.
Do You Have Toxic Beliefs? So, are your beliefs keeping you overweight? The most likely (and obvious) answer is yes! Let's see if any of the below applies to you: •You've tried almost everything to lose weight but to no avail.
•You're able to lose weight; it's keeping it off that's the problem.
•Everyone in your family is overweight; naturally, so are you (there's actually nothing natural about it!).
•You feel you have little or no control over your food cravings.
•Eating healthy and exercising regularly doesn't sound the least bit appealing.
There are plenty more characteristics that are "red flags" of harboring bad beliefs and negative thought patterns.
What exactly makes your self-sabotaging beliefs so "toxic"? Your beliefs determine your habits and behaviors.
If your beliefs are bad, your habits and behaviors will be bad as well.
And there's no diet or exercise program that can help you if your habits and behaviors are destructive.
For example, if you hold a subconscious belief that you don't deserve the kind of attention that a thin body would attract; you will automatically employ those nasty habits that will carry that belief out in the form of excess eating (which leads to excess pounds).
That self-sabotaging belief creates the self-sabotaging behavior of overeating! Something I need you to fully understand is that your beliefs and habits are simply your beliefs and habits-they do not define who you are in any way! The fact that you may be a "junk food junkie" simply means that you have a belief that empowers a bad habit of preferring junk food over healthy foods.
The belief is that you are a "junk food junkie", which gives power to the bad habit of preferring junk food over healthy foods.
A belief is not absolute truth, nor is it concrete.
Remember, your bad beliefs and bad habits were learned; which means that they can be unlearned! You can unlearn all of your bad, self-sabotaging beliefs and habits; and replace them with a whole new set of healthy and empowering beliefs and habits.
Making Your Beliefs & Thought Patterns Work for You When your beliefs and thought patterns are negative, they automatically sabotage every effort you make to better yourself.
Deep in your subconscious, you hold a standard of yourself-most of the time you are not even aware of the status of that standard.
If that standard is high, your habits and behaviors will comply accordingly.
The same is true when your standard is low.
Think of your standard as "the ceiling of your potential".
You can stay below it, but you can never go above it.
You can only improve yourself up to the point of your ceiling.
Even if you escape beyond your ceiling, your subconscious will drag you back down below it (by kicking your bad habits into overdrive) because that is the standard that it holds.
The world of Psychology has another word for your "ceiling": your Ego.
We'll discuss that in more detail later.
An example of someone operating with a ceiling on their potential would be a person weighing 170 pounds who strives and struggles to lose 40 pounds to meet their target weight of 130 pounds.
The person succeeds in losing the 40 pounds, then ultimately gains most-if not all-of the weight back.
That person's ceiling isn't set at 130 pounds; it is set at 170 pounds; so their subconscious works to bring the person back below their ceiling of 170 pounds.
Ever wonder where the momentum fueling a sudden feeding frenzy comes from after weeks of sticking to a diet and exercise program? That's your subconscious bringing you back down to your standard! In order to make your beliefs and thought patterns work for you instead of against you, you have to shatter that self-limiting "ceiling of your potential" and reset it to your desired target weight.
The benefits of doing such a thing far outweighs (no pun intended) the time, effort, and persistence that this program requires.
When your subconscious standard is the same as your desired target weight, then you will no longer have to struggle to stay thin; you will just stay thin automatically! Should you gain some weight that takes you below your standard, then your subconscious will kick your healthy habits into overdrive to get you back to where it believes you should be (thin).
Just imagine actually preferring healthy foods over junk foods, or looking forward to a good workout, or automatically being able to stop eating when you are full.
You'll even experience some change of tastes! I did! Those are some of the many benefits of having positive and healthy beliefs and thought patterns.

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