Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Can Children Receive Chiropractic Treatment?

Perhaps the difficult part of being a child is when you are in pain yet you cannot tell or describe it.
This is the most frustrating part.
Of course, parents will seek ways to know what is causing the child's pain or agony.
Therefore, you bring him to his pediatrician, who will prescribe some drugs.
If all else fails, then I advise you to bring him to a chiropractor.
It may surprise you, but yes, the latter can decipher the real cause of his pain.
Most newborns get spinal traumas during childbirth, which can lead to colic, breathing problems and reduced appetite.
The length of a baby's spinal column increases in size as he grows.
It increases twice its size, which is 24 cm, from the time he was born.
It again lengthens at age 5 by 50%.
At this stage, a child is involved in more activities that can hurt his spine more than ever.
Falls and bumps happen and we are never aware that these mini accidents can affect our child's posture and coordination.
A child can also develop other illnesses brought about by these accidents.
Therefore, a regular check-up is required for children who had bumps and falls incidences.
There are also times that the cause of spinal problems among children is our own making.
Look at how a father lifts his child.
Some just grab them by the hand and pull them up.
This is bad for the child's back, as the pulling injures the spinal column.
Even in the way the nappies are changed affects the spine, as it gets twisted.
Moving up the legs as high just to be able to clean his lower part and put on the nappy is dreadful, too.
Moreover, this is not just once in a day but a lot of times during infancy and until he can manage to use the toilet.
Some parents also get excited to teach their children to walk.
They push them to do it by holding their hands up and guide them to walk.
Other children's diseases that can be treated with chiropractic care are asthma, bed-wetting, colic, allergies, headaches, ear infections, neck and back pain, scoliosis, leaning impairments, migraines and injuries incurred from sports.
The pressure given to children is more gentle and precise.
Spinal manipulation will bring your child's spine to its proper position.
Once these subluxations are removed, you can be assured of your child's wellness as he grows.

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