Beating The Daily Blahs and Emotional Ups and Downs
Are pills the answer to the problems of life? Are prescription drugs the solution to each persons everyday troubles and emotional strains? Is the Doctor going to tell you the real answer to that question? Probably not.
Why do I say that? With all the drugs out there numbing people to reality and life's circumstances, are the people who are taking these products able to come to a point where they no longer need the drugs anymore, and can cope with life? Some, yes, but more and more are not.
What we need to do is start dealing with the reason behind the symptoms and get to the problem core.
For many, the emotional ups and downs may be caused by poor nutrition.
For some it may be hormonal, and often enough, caused by thyroid abnormalities.
For many, it may be dealing with substantially difficult situations in life, and when the really difficult times come, we are going to have to work on keeping it together.
During these times, don't make excuses for your actions, recognize them and take steps to change the situation.
Figure out what it was that set you off.
Often it may be as simple as keeping a journal and writing down what happened, what was the result, your feelings on the episode, and finally, what you might do differently next time.
Sometimes we need to take a step back and assess what needs to be changed.
If you are in a hurtful relationship, you need to make steps to change that.
If you are in an abusive relationship, it is not your fault, unless you choose not to do something about it.
Get help Today! Don't stay there! You do not deserve to be mistreated, and that is no way to love anybody! Don't threaten to leave, just get the help you need, and leave! Call your local abuse support hot line for help and information.
There are people who have been there too, and who can help you decide what steps you need to take.
Sometimes it is as simple as finding the right nutritional support to provide your body what it needs to be healthy.
For most people, this is probably the case, so before you go to the medical professional for a health damaging product that is going to numb you to your reality and mess with your mind, try nutrition.
What is it that your body needs that you are not getting? Univera LifeSciences is working hard to come up with the products that are covering the bases to what our bodies are needing.
The nutrition provided in a product called Ageless Xtra is going a long way in relieving peoples high stress emotional reactive situations.
This amazing product was created to do four things: promote vital energy, support mental clarity and focus, help manage stress, and promote joint comfort and flexibility.
This product may go a long way in helping you deal with stressful situations and improving your overall health condition.
Other ways to work at improving your situation include: getting sufficient rest without overdoing it, eating healthy foods without a lot of high sugar, high fat content, proper hydration without overuse of caffeinated products, regular exercise, a right relationship with God, doing good for others, and taking your mind off your circumstances and instead thinking of others.
Of course, prayer is still answered these days too! Check out the products produced by Univera LifeSciences, which are making a difference in many people's lives, including mine, at [http://www.
com] or [http://tamling-seffroode.
com] while you're there, check out how the business opportunity can make a difference in your financial situation as well.
If you are having serious emotional turmoil and difficulties, then by all means, get professional help, but ask what you can do to change the problem, before you agree to any type of prescribed medication.
If the doctor insists, you may want to get a second opinion.
Use care, because those medications that are being prescribed are not as wonderful and beneficial to your health as they make them sound.
Remember, the #2 Killer in the USA is doctor prescribed medication, and just because the doctor is willing to write out the prescription doesn't mean that it is safe or healthy.
Why do I say that? With all the drugs out there numbing people to reality and life's circumstances, are the people who are taking these products able to come to a point where they no longer need the drugs anymore, and can cope with life? Some, yes, but more and more are not.
What we need to do is start dealing with the reason behind the symptoms and get to the problem core.
For many, the emotional ups and downs may be caused by poor nutrition.
For some it may be hormonal, and often enough, caused by thyroid abnormalities.
For many, it may be dealing with substantially difficult situations in life, and when the really difficult times come, we are going to have to work on keeping it together.
During these times, don't make excuses for your actions, recognize them and take steps to change the situation.
Figure out what it was that set you off.
Often it may be as simple as keeping a journal and writing down what happened, what was the result, your feelings on the episode, and finally, what you might do differently next time.
Sometimes we need to take a step back and assess what needs to be changed.
If you are in a hurtful relationship, you need to make steps to change that.
If you are in an abusive relationship, it is not your fault, unless you choose not to do something about it.
Get help Today! Don't stay there! You do not deserve to be mistreated, and that is no way to love anybody! Don't threaten to leave, just get the help you need, and leave! Call your local abuse support hot line for help and information.
There are people who have been there too, and who can help you decide what steps you need to take.
Sometimes it is as simple as finding the right nutritional support to provide your body what it needs to be healthy.
For most people, this is probably the case, so before you go to the medical professional for a health damaging product that is going to numb you to your reality and mess with your mind, try nutrition.
What is it that your body needs that you are not getting? Univera LifeSciences is working hard to come up with the products that are covering the bases to what our bodies are needing.
The nutrition provided in a product called Ageless Xtra is going a long way in relieving peoples high stress emotional reactive situations.
This amazing product was created to do four things: promote vital energy, support mental clarity and focus, help manage stress, and promote joint comfort and flexibility.
This product may go a long way in helping you deal with stressful situations and improving your overall health condition.
Other ways to work at improving your situation include: getting sufficient rest without overdoing it, eating healthy foods without a lot of high sugar, high fat content, proper hydration without overuse of caffeinated products, regular exercise, a right relationship with God, doing good for others, and taking your mind off your circumstances and instead thinking of others.
Of course, prayer is still answered these days too! Check out the products produced by Univera LifeSciences, which are making a difference in many people's lives, including mine, at [http://www.
com] or [http://tamling-seffroode.
com] while you're there, check out how the business opportunity can make a difference in your financial situation as well.
If you are having serious emotional turmoil and difficulties, then by all means, get professional help, but ask what you can do to change the problem, before you agree to any type of prescribed medication.
If the doctor insists, you may want to get a second opinion.
Use care, because those medications that are being prescribed are not as wonderful and beneficial to your health as they make them sound.
Remember, the #2 Killer in the USA is doctor prescribed medication, and just because the doctor is willing to write out the prescription doesn't mean that it is safe or healthy.