Family & Relationships Conflict

Getting Through a Breakup: Five Ways to Cope

Getting through a breakup takes time, that's all there is to it.
There's no "magic bullet" that can take you from heartbroken to healed in 24 hours.
But hanging on to the pieces of a broken relationship are only going to hold you down and keep you from finding new love to fill the void once again.
Here are several ways you can start healing your broken heart and get back to a happy place in your life.
Learn from your mistakes.
Do you regret parts of your previous relationship? Do you wish you could have been more affectionate to your ex? Did they complain that you should have "been there for them" more often? Try to point out some of the shortcomings that you or your ex noticed in the relationship, and figure out a way to prevent them the next time around so you can prevent another breakup.
Who knows; maybe you'll get back together with that same ex, so knowing how to prevent a repeat performance will make your relationship much stronger the second time around.
Determine if you want to get back together with your ex.
Sometimes getting through a breakup doesn't mean your relationship is over forever.
Your ex might think you need to take a break, or maybe he or she is going through a rough patch in life that is making it hard to concentrate on a relationship.
Chances are that there is still an opportunity to get back together after getting through a breakup.
Give yourself time to grieve.
Ignoring your emotions and trying to be indifferent to your feelings only delays the heartache that's sure to come later on.
It's important to face your feelings right away and cry if you feel like it.
Don't harbor all those bitter and sad feelings inside, or you'll set yourself up for a breakdown a few weeks after your breakup.
Put away anything that reminds you of your ex.
One of the best methods of getting through a breakup is to put away any pictures, gifts and letters that you have around bearing their face or name.
Delete their emails and texts or just put them in a folder that you promise yourself not to access until you're ready, if you want to keep them at all.
Spend time with other single people.
It's okay if they've just gone through a breakup too, as that makes getting through a breakup a little more of a group goal than something you do on your own.
However, the point is not to dwell on your ex partners; have fun hanging out with other people who have no one to hold, and you'll start feeling better sooner.
Getting through a breakup is hard, but you can make it easier by following these tips.
However, don't expect these few steps to be the complete answer to your problems.
You might need to seek out additional help in getting over your ex boyfriend or girlfriend.

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