Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Skin Creams and Their Effectiveness

Skin is the largest organ of your body protecting you from all kinds of disease causing microbes.
Like any other organ of your body you tend to get skin diseases which are either metabolic in nature or are by microbial infections.
There are medications which are applied both orally and topically to treated these skin diseases effectively.
But the effectiveness of the treatment depends primarily on the correct diagnosis of the disease.
There is also a third type of skin problem which is not actually a disease but scars left behind by the cured disease or resulted from a trauma.
There are many methods of claimed to be effective in treating these scars but there are no guarantees of effectiveness of these methods.
Even plastic surgeons in some countries decline to treat some scars and refer to cosmetic concealing makeup beauticians and counseling specialist instead.
Stretch marks are a different type of scars which cause in the inner layers of the skin due to rupture and collagen formation, treating this is much more difficult that treating normal scars.
Like many scars these are sometimes resolved spontaneously, but if excess should be treated using different methods.
Once again skin creams to prevent stretch marks may be effectively because their ability to make skin more soft and elastic to stretch more preventing rupture and hence preventing stretch marks, but it may be difficult to treat stretch marks once they have appeared.
Most of the skin creams meant for treatment of skin diseases are to be prescribed by a dermatologist after proper diagnosis and are very effective.
But when it comes to general health of the skin with good texture and glow and for normal day to day maintenance of the skin, there are creams available over the counter mostly using ingredients which are supposed to have good effects on skin.
Many of us forget that skin is also a good absorber and that is the reason why sometimes medications are given through skin patches.
Skin can also absorb nicotine and hence nicotine patches are used when a person is undergoing smoking cessation.
For this reason many people who do not readily believe the chemical ingredients present in the creams opt for natural organic skin creams which are produced using natural ingredients.
My personal recommendation is the one which I follow.
When ever there is a skin disease either metabolic or infectious, I consult my dermatologist.
For general health of my skin, I opt for natural organic skin creams.
However, my doctor could help me little in regards of stretch marks and I and my friends depended on other available methods of prevention and curing.
For most of us creams were effective in prevention but not in curing stretch marks through some say they have success.
As plastic surgery for stretch marks is an invasive procedure, I would prefer to recommend trying and seeing if treatments with less risk and cheaper like microdermabrasion, chemical peeling, or derma roller methods before going for a costly cosmetic surgery procedure.

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