Organize Clutter and eBay Pocket Change
Figuring out how to organize clutter is the very core of eventually having the clean, systematized home you dream of.
Clutter is not only at the center of all the disorganization, but it also is a massive psychological barrier to even beginning basic cleaning.
Of course, the clutter is itself a huge physical barrier to efficient cleaning, as it's tough to vacuum and dust with so much "stuff" lying around.
Frankly, I don't want to have to stop cleaning just to shuffle a bunch of stuff around.
So, learning to organize clutter is the very essence of breakthrough.
I want to share some key tips to helping you organize clutter and get on top of things once and for all.
For starters, let's just put things in perspective and realize what a gigantic offender paper is.
Everyone hates to see their mailbox filled with junk mail, but we nevertheless bring it home and clog up our countertops with it.
But that's not all, as newspapers and magazines find their way all over the place as well.
If you have children, you know that they tend to bring home plenty of papers can turn into endless piles.
As for your mail, try this out.
Keep a small trash can beside your door.
Alternately, simply sift through and open your mail over the trash can in the kitchen.
The objective is to only touch your mail once.
You either sort it out as trash and pitch it or else act on it.
You might need to put it in a "to do" pile, or else you might file it with important papers.
Or maybe it's a bill that needs to be paid.
Either way, you don't want all of that clutter around.
As for school children and their papers, there are great ideas for handling that too.
If you are a packrat like me, than you probably aspire to keep every little drawing, good grade, and report card there is.
However, if you're also like me, you realize there simply isn't room for all of that stuff.
If you opt to keep something, and then don't have any place to put it, then you find yourself running into it repeatedly until you eventually shuffle it enough for it to become "lost.
" Why not keep a storage bin in the vicinity where you go through the kids' backpacks? If it's a keeper, then you can stick it in there until it finds its way into a scrapbook.
If this container starts to get too full, then you can take it to a closet or some place for storage.
This is an excellent way to organize clutter.
There are some more general tips to organize clutter as well.
I've often been bothered by the fact that I knew I had something but simply could not find it no matter what.
The problem is that it is usually buried in with a bunch of other junk I don't really need or want.
What usually happens to create all this stuff is that there are just some things I end up with and eventually stop even realizing it's around.
This is how clutter accumulates.
I just stop seeing it.
Before I know it, I can't find the good stuff for the bad.
The best plan of attack is to weed out the surplus junk and get rid of it somehow.
The risk, of course, it that you'll finally end up needing that item that you kept for 13 years and essentially forgot you had.
But, realistically, if you haven't used it, gotten around to fixing it, or even known where to find it, you probably won't miss it.
Take a three-fold approach to make things easier.
Some stuff just needs to be tossed in the trash.
Other items you can give away to someone who can use them.
Still others are things that might have reasonable value and you might want to sell on either eBay or in a yard sale for some extra cash.
Clutter is not only at the center of all the disorganization, but it also is a massive psychological barrier to even beginning basic cleaning.
Of course, the clutter is itself a huge physical barrier to efficient cleaning, as it's tough to vacuum and dust with so much "stuff" lying around.
Frankly, I don't want to have to stop cleaning just to shuffle a bunch of stuff around.
So, learning to organize clutter is the very essence of breakthrough.
I want to share some key tips to helping you organize clutter and get on top of things once and for all.
For starters, let's just put things in perspective and realize what a gigantic offender paper is.
Everyone hates to see their mailbox filled with junk mail, but we nevertheless bring it home and clog up our countertops with it.
But that's not all, as newspapers and magazines find their way all over the place as well.
If you have children, you know that they tend to bring home plenty of papers can turn into endless piles.
As for your mail, try this out.
Keep a small trash can beside your door.
Alternately, simply sift through and open your mail over the trash can in the kitchen.
The objective is to only touch your mail once.
You either sort it out as trash and pitch it or else act on it.
You might need to put it in a "to do" pile, or else you might file it with important papers.
Or maybe it's a bill that needs to be paid.
Either way, you don't want all of that clutter around.
As for school children and their papers, there are great ideas for handling that too.
If you are a packrat like me, than you probably aspire to keep every little drawing, good grade, and report card there is.
However, if you're also like me, you realize there simply isn't room for all of that stuff.
If you opt to keep something, and then don't have any place to put it, then you find yourself running into it repeatedly until you eventually shuffle it enough for it to become "lost.
" Why not keep a storage bin in the vicinity where you go through the kids' backpacks? If it's a keeper, then you can stick it in there until it finds its way into a scrapbook.
If this container starts to get too full, then you can take it to a closet or some place for storage.
This is an excellent way to organize clutter.
There are some more general tips to organize clutter as well.
I've often been bothered by the fact that I knew I had something but simply could not find it no matter what.
The problem is that it is usually buried in with a bunch of other junk I don't really need or want.
What usually happens to create all this stuff is that there are just some things I end up with and eventually stop even realizing it's around.
This is how clutter accumulates.
I just stop seeing it.
Before I know it, I can't find the good stuff for the bad.
The best plan of attack is to weed out the surplus junk and get rid of it somehow.
The risk, of course, it that you'll finally end up needing that item that you kept for 13 years and essentially forgot you had.
But, realistically, if you haven't used it, gotten around to fixing it, or even known where to find it, you probably won't miss it.
Take a three-fold approach to make things easier.
Some stuff just needs to be tossed in the trash.
Other items you can give away to someone who can use them.
Still others are things that might have reasonable value and you might want to sell on either eBay or in a yard sale for some extra cash.