Home & Garden Pest Control

How Do You Kill Silverfish Insects?

How do you kill silverfish is a very important question if you have moved a box in your attic or basement and seen a bunch of silverfish bugs scattering madly. Or maybe in the middle of the night you have had a squirming bug with long antennaes frighten you as you are getting a drink of water? If that describes your situation you more than likely want to know how to get rid of silverfish insects from your home or apartment. Just to be sure silverfish bugs are about one-half to one inch long, have two antennae, three "cerci" or long tails, are bluish-gray in color and are nocturnal in nature. They love to come out at night and see what there is to eat in your home. Some of their favorite foods are flour, sugar, book bindings, paper, dandruff, wallpaper and wallpaper paste, carpet and many more things.

Silverfish insects are more of an annoyance than a real threat to you or your family's or pet's health. They don't carry diseases and can't harm you in any medical way. They can contaminate your food though and ruin important treasures like important photographs or saved magazines or newspapers.

Now that you know you have a silverfish infestation you need to know what you can do about it. First of all you have silverfish in your home because there are conditions there that attracted them. Water is a necessity for silverfish. They must have it and the more of it the better. You can run your air conditioner or a dehumidifier in your home to reduce the humidity and therefore make them more uncomfortable. They require a humidity level of 75% to 95%.

If you have any drippy faucets or leaking pipes you want to make sure you fix those right away. This excess water is an invitation for silverfish bugs to make your home a permanent abode.   Because they eat so many different things there are only so many steps you can take toward reducing their food supply. First of all it is important to place all of your cereal, crackers, etc. in tightly sealed plastic containers. This will cut off one source of food for them and also protect your food from getting contaminated.

When cooking immediately wipe up any spills or crumbs and keep your home neat and tidy. This further reduces their food supply. It is also important to vacuum, dust and mop on a very regular basis. It is important to add your narrow vacuum attachment and vacuum the cracks and crevices leading to the outside of your home.

"How do you kill silverfish?" isn't a question that is easily answered and it doesn't involve spending your nights chasing them and smashing them with your shoes. That would prove very difficult. Getting rid of silverfish is best done through prevention and the above mentioned steps.

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