How to Make E85 Gas
- 1). Bring the water to a boil in a large container that is placed over a propane grill and add in the cornmeal, sugar and yeast. Allow mixture to boil for 20 minutes to create a mash. After the mixture cooks, cover it with a lid and allow to sit in a cool location for approximately 10 days, or until the yeast is no longer producing bubbles in the mash mixture.
- 2). Distill the mash after it ferments using a distiller, or in small batches using a pressure cooker. Cook the mash until it reaches 175 degrees and then place a piece of flexible tubing over the pressure release valve. This will act as the catcher for the alcohol that evaporates off the mash mixture. Make sure the evaporated alcohol is draining into a container that can be sealed.
- 3). Remove any excess water that is present in the alcohol using Zeolite, or a similar water-removing product. Follow the package directions for specifics on how to add the Zeolite to the alcohol mixture.
- 4). Measure the amount of ethanol produced and then figure the percentages needed to produce a true E-85 mixture. A 50-gallon mixture of ethanol should have 3.34 gallons of gasoline added to it to produce E-85.