How to Get Rid of White Stretch Marks? Tips to Remove White Stretch Marks Within 2-3 Weeks
Stretch marks or striae usually appear on the thighs, hips, upper arms, belly, etc.
They are formed due to sudden weight gain or hormonal changes.
They look like red or purple parallel lines in the beginning stages.
Gradually they merge with your complexion and become 2 to 3 shades lighter than your skin tone.
They turn into white or silver lines after sometime.
In order to get rid of these white or silver stretch marks, we should preferably follow a strict skin care regime.
Tips To Remove White Stretch Marks Within 2-3 Weeks * Apply Castor Oil: Apply a thick layer of castor oil on the affected area and cover it with a plastic sheet.
Now place a heating pad or hot water bottle on it for 25 to 45 minutes.
Try doing this once daily for around 10 days at a stretch.
* Massage with Aloe Vera: You can use aloe vera gel or butter.
It has natural plant collagen that repairs the damaged parts of the skin, forms new cells and hydrates the body.
* Use Vitamin E: It aids in curing & preventing several skin issues.
You must have vitamin E rich diet.
Along side you may choose to apply vitamin E oil on the affected area.
* Exfoliate: This means rubbing the body with a loofah in order to remove the dead skin.
It helps in skin cell regeneration.
You can do this once or twice per week.
* Apply sunscreen lotions: Direct sun rays can make the stretch marks even dark.
You must cover the affected areas while you are out in the sun and apply sun screen lotion regularly.
* Use treatment creams: You must apply some natural anti stretch mark creams.
One of the most effective stretch mark creams is Captiva.
This ointment contains some patented peptides that can easily diminish stretch marks and other skin complications such as birthmarks, freckles and hyper pigmentation.
It shows results within a month or so.
The users have rated this 4.
5 over 5 online.
They have also stated that it has no side effects at all.
They are formed due to sudden weight gain or hormonal changes.
They look like red or purple parallel lines in the beginning stages.
Gradually they merge with your complexion and become 2 to 3 shades lighter than your skin tone.
They turn into white or silver lines after sometime.
In order to get rid of these white or silver stretch marks, we should preferably follow a strict skin care regime.
Tips To Remove White Stretch Marks Within 2-3 Weeks * Apply Castor Oil: Apply a thick layer of castor oil on the affected area and cover it with a plastic sheet.
Now place a heating pad or hot water bottle on it for 25 to 45 minutes.
Try doing this once daily for around 10 days at a stretch.
* Massage with Aloe Vera: You can use aloe vera gel or butter.
It has natural plant collagen that repairs the damaged parts of the skin, forms new cells and hydrates the body.
* Use Vitamin E: It aids in curing & preventing several skin issues.
You must have vitamin E rich diet.
Along side you may choose to apply vitamin E oil on the affected area.
* Exfoliate: This means rubbing the body with a loofah in order to remove the dead skin.
It helps in skin cell regeneration.
You can do this once or twice per week.
* Apply sunscreen lotions: Direct sun rays can make the stretch marks even dark.
You must cover the affected areas while you are out in the sun and apply sun screen lotion regularly.
* Use treatment creams: You must apply some natural anti stretch mark creams.
One of the most effective stretch mark creams is Captiva.
This ointment contains some patented peptides that can easily diminish stretch marks and other skin complications such as birthmarks, freckles and hyper pigmentation.
It shows results within a month or so.
The users have rated this 4.
5 over 5 online.
They have also stated that it has no side effects at all.