Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

So you haven't purchased your Self Defense Weapon yet?

You should seriously stop and think about it.  There is no going back once an attack has been made on you. At that time you will be wishing you had purchased that much needed self defense device.  One needs to be prepared ahead of time. 

This is no joke, crime rates as we all know, see and hear are at an all time high and climbing.  It's just as important to think about your personal safety as it is to get out of bed in the morning to get ready for work.  Anything can happen anywhere.  In today's society the criminal is lurking about in all types of neighborhoods.  He or she is watching.  Is this going to be my next victim?  Or maybe it will be their next home to rob?

Do you really feel safe when you go out for a jog or a walk?  I know I'm not feeling as safe as I know I should be able to feel.  Nowadays you have to keep a constant vigilance of looking over your shoulder. 

I get customers calling me every day with the growing concerns on their neighborhoods or the feeling of insecurity while out and about whether it's during the day or evening hours.  A customer I spoke with today told of how he won't leave his house at night for fear of being burglarized blatantly attacked and even killed.  This is what we live in today.

Is this how we should be living?  If we choose to stand by idly and do nothing about it then yes we are choosing to live in this manner.  But if we choose to stand up and fight back, let that criminal know we aren't going to take it anymore, now we have something to work with.

You want to make sure you have a plan, what you should do if presented a situation. 

This criminal isn't going to be nice, he's not going to care what your situation is, he certainly won't think twice about beating you or even killing you.  This low life just wants what he wants and he's going to get it one way or the other.

We can't ignore the criminal activity that is taking place all over country.  You must get your- self prepared, always have a sense of your surroundings and yes carry a self defense weapon. 

Women are the still subjected to violent crimes more often than men.  Women are considered easier targets, the weaker sex, vulnerable. Now is the time to get a defense device.  Some of you may not believe in carrying any form of self defense while others do believe and make the wise decision to purchase one.  For those who choose not to believe, I do sincerely hope that you are never faced with a situation and get badly harmed, it will be then and only then that you will have regrets on your choice to not carry and unfortunately after the fact.    

One of the most popular choices in self defense weapons on the market today are self defense sprays.  These devices are the small wonders of defense and are very easily carried by anyone.  I bring this form of weaponry to your attention as in my opinion I believe that women are more likely to carry self defense sprays then men. 

Self defense sprays come in a variety of styles.  They are now more concealable than ever.  The Lipstick Pepper Spray provides you with close up encounter attacks.  If you should be on a date and the person you are with is going places you don't want to be in and gets too persistent in his efforts, just pull out your lipstick, act as though you are freshening up and hit when he least expects it.  The Pepper Pen is another great concealable pepper spray.  This small wonder is carried right in a shirt pocket.  Looks just like a pen, who would figure it to be a weapon.  These are just a couple of product types to choose from.  The point here is choosing and then making sure you always have it with you and easily accessible.

Self defense sprays are being used widely by women because of their styles, compactness and ease of use.  So my suggestion to you is to take time to learn what your different choices are so that you can make the right purchase choice for you.  Carry these devices on your person or in your handbag as long as you are bringing it with you at all times. Attacks are not a planned event, but preparation on self defense is.  You can plan your defense long before it happens so make the right choice and get your protection today.

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