Health & Medical Acne

How to Treat Dry Skin on Cheeks Caused by Menopause

    • 1). Use a humidifier in your bedroom. Hot indoor air can contribute to dry flaky skin, so keep a humidifier going at all times. Jerome Litt, M.D., states to keep the humidifier at around 40 percent to keep enough water vapor in the air.

    • 2). Drink enough water. Drink at least six to eight glasses of water a day. This may help keep the skin hydrated. Drink more if you exercise.

    • 3). Wash face gently. Use warm water, rather than hot water, which can dry the skin. Use a gentle face soap or cleanser. Buy a cleanser that states it is for sensitive skin.

    • 4). Exfoliate the dead, flaky skin on the cheeks. Use a product that contains an alpha or beta hydroxy acid. You need to remove the top, flaky layer of skin so that moisturizers can get into the skin. Follow the directions on the product label.

    • 5). Apply the right moisturizer at the right time. Use moisturizer when skin is still damp from cleaning to retain the moisture in the skin. Try moisturizers that contain vitamin C or green tea. Shea butter and hyaluronic acid moisturizers are also effective, states WebMD.

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