Health & Medical Lose Weight

Get Sexy Silhouette in Few Weeks Following These Weight Loss Tips

Now, that you are firm on undertaking a weight loss regime towards attaining a slim silhouette this twenty eight day meal plan will help to improve your slimming power so that you can face the world with confidence. Workouts at a fitness centre Singapore produce best results when they are combined with some effective diet plan. Here are some tips that are designed to boost your body's detoxification process and improve your digestion. You can expect to feel more energized, have a glowing skin and powerful confidence altogether.

Slimming strategies that will aid up your efforts at a Singapore gym are -

1. Eliminate all the packaged and processed food stuff from your diet during the next four weeks. This will bring your liver into action, which is the main detoxification channel.

2. Make sure that you eat at regular intervals. You should eat three meals and two additional snacks, one mid morning and the other mid afternoon to avoid sugar dips.

3. Increase your water intake to a minimum of two liters per day. Avoid caffeinated drinks and swap tea and coffee with decaffeinated editions viz. herbal teas. Catalyze your water by adding cucumber slices or squeezing few lemon drops.

4. Eat slowly chewing food to a fuller extent. This will help improve the digestion process, as saliva contains digestive enzymes.

5. One treat a week is allowed. This may contain a small glass of red wine, a small piece of dark chocolate, lemon sorbet or a small quantity of frozen yoghurt.

Expecting quick results after joining a fitness gym Singapore! Try one of the following meal ideas.

Breakfast Ideas

· Oats - 50g with Almond milk - 70 ml and mixed seeds - 1 tablespoon

· Sugar free granola - 50 g with natural yogurt - 1 small pot

· Rye toast - 2 slices with nut butter

· Wholemeal toast - 1 slice with egg poach - 2 no. and some spinach

Lunch Ideas

· Wholemeal bread chicken sandwich having one grilled chicken breast and tomato.

· Half carton of fresh lentil soup along with a whole-meal roll.

· Pasta salad using 100g of whole-meal pasta, one chopped salmon fillet along with a handful of wilted spinach and two tablespoons crme fraiche, with lemon and parsley garnish.

Dinner Ideas

· Bean stew made with half tin of mixed beans, clove garlic - 1, tomatoes -tin, carrot - 1, courgette - , paprika -teaspoon, cinnamon -teaspoon

· Grilled steak - 100g, served with steamed kale and half of sliced and baked sweet potato

· Minced lamb - 100g cooked in half a jar of fresh tomato sauce, one red onion, one clove garlic and one chopped carrot altogether served with brown rice - 50g and mixed salad leaves -bag

Snack Ideas

· Oatcakes - 2 with houmous - 2 tablespoons

· Two ryvitas served with two tablespoons guacamole

· Chopped apple - 1 and a small pot of natural yoghurt

· Brazil nuts - 5 and pear -1

· Cheddar cheese - 25g, red grapes - 1 small bunch

· Shake of whey protein -1

If you workout at a Singapore gym on a regular basis and follow the above mentioned diet plan, you may expect quick results in form of a slim silhouette within four weeks.

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