Amsterdam hotel rates - and how to score a lower price than listed.
Amsterdam and the Netherlands as a whole have a reputation for their pricey horeca - a frequently-used acronym for the hotel, restaurant and café sector - but I strive to represent accommodations of all price brackets here on Amsterdam Travel, from hostels to luxury hotels. Below is a description of the symbols I use to indicate hotel rates on Amsterdam Travel; rates are based on the price of a standard double room where applicable.
¢ : Under 100 euro
$ : Under 200 euro for a standard double room
$$ : Under 300 euro for a standard double room
$$$ : Under 400 for a standard double room
$$$$ : Over 400 for a standard double room
How to Undercut Listed Hotel Rates
But be sure to shop around before you book a hotel at its listed rate; there are often better deals to be found, not only online but even by telephone. Need some pointers on how to score a lower hotel rate? Check out About Travel for valuable tips on how to save on your next trip.
General Deal Advice
- How to Get the Best Hotel Deals in Europe
- Pay Less for a Hotel Room
- The Secrets to Finding Lower Hotel Rates
- Five Chances at a Bargain Hotel Room
Best Resources for Hotel Deals
- Best Sites for Budget Hotels
- Top 9 Discount Luxury Hotel Booking Site
- Online Coupons and Deals
- Bid on Hotel Rooms: Beat the Bidding System
- 5 Free Apps That Help You Save on Travel Costs
Specialized Discounts