Proper Exercise Will Rebuild a Sluggish Metabolism
You read about it all of the time, find something 'fun' and you will enjoy exercise and will be more likely to stick with it.
But in general an exercise program is not 'fun'.
It would be better to view exercise as a strategy for control over your body and its short term and long term health.
You could say that proper exercise is rewarding - not fun.
We exercise for the physical changes it produces, not for 'fun'.
It is the simple, yet demanding means to cheat the forces of time and nature that conspire to slow your metabolism (your body's engine).
This slowing brings with it extra body fat, body weakness, loss of energy and an increased risk of disease.
By far the most valuable remedy for re-charging a sluggish metabolism is the production of more lean muscle tissue.
The most important change you can make to boost your dwindling engine is to incorporate strength training exercise into your life.
Muscles are where bodily energy is mainly used and are "expensive to the metabolism" and cost a lot of fuel (calories) to keep them around.
Which means that gaining 5 pounds of toned muscle tissue will make your metabolism burn an extra 250 calories each day.
And that is regardless of your activity level.
Those calories are required just to keep that extra muscle alive.
The reverse is also true and if you lose a pound of muscle from not doing enough strength building and maintaining activity and you will burn 50 fewer calories per day.
You may be interested to know that you will have been losing up to a half pound of muscle tissue per year since your mid 20's.
This is the reason as you get older it becomes more and more difficult to shed body fat.
Each passing year you have less of that calorie burning muscle tissue.
So, the good news is taking steps to restore muscle tissue that you have not owned since your teen years is equal to restoring your metabolism and your fat burning machinery to what it once was.
Lower intensity activity (like walking, jogging or cycling) will release some energy and will burn some calories.
But higher intensity strength training exercise will demand the release and the burning of a much larger number of calories.
But that is not the whole story and in fact, the relationship of muscles to metabolism gets much better from there.
Efficient strength training exercise need not be a daily chore taking lots of time.
Just 2-3 sessions each week of around 45 minutes is all that is needed.
The very best muscle building plans are brief but of a sufficient intensity (degree of difficulty and effort) to get the job done and your muscles stronger.
And there is your key - exercises that will strengthen your muscles will also build them back to their condition when you were a leaner, firmer and fitter you.
Once you do this you will find any excess body fat will disappear, you will feel so much more energetic and well you will scarcely believe it.
Try it and see for yourself.
But in general an exercise program is not 'fun'.
It would be better to view exercise as a strategy for control over your body and its short term and long term health.
You could say that proper exercise is rewarding - not fun.
We exercise for the physical changes it produces, not for 'fun'.
It is the simple, yet demanding means to cheat the forces of time and nature that conspire to slow your metabolism (your body's engine).
This slowing brings with it extra body fat, body weakness, loss of energy and an increased risk of disease.
By far the most valuable remedy for re-charging a sluggish metabolism is the production of more lean muscle tissue.
The most important change you can make to boost your dwindling engine is to incorporate strength training exercise into your life.
Muscles are where bodily energy is mainly used and are "expensive to the metabolism" and cost a lot of fuel (calories) to keep them around.
Which means that gaining 5 pounds of toned muscle tissue will make your metabolism burn an extra 250 calories each day.
And that is regardless of your activity level.
Those calories are required just to keep that extra muscle alive.
The reverse is also true and if you lose a pound of muscle from not doing enough strength building and maintaining activity and you will burn 50 fewer calories per day.
You may be interested to know that you will have been losing up to a half pound of muscle tissue per year since your mid 20's.
This is the reason as you get older it becomes more and more difficult to shed body fat.
Each passing year you have less of that calorie burning muscle tissue.
So, the good news is taking steps to restore muscle tissue that you have not owned since your teen years is equal to restoring your metabolism and your fat burning machinery to what it once was.
Lower intensity activity (like walking, jogging or cycling) will release some energy and will burn some calories.
But higher intensity strength training exercise will demand the release and the burning of a much larger number of calories.
But that is not the whole story and in fact, the relationship of muscles to metabolism gets much better from there.
Efficient strength training exercise need not be a daily chore taking lots of time.
Just 2-3 sessions each week of around 45 minutes is all that is needed.
The very best muscle building plans are brief but of a sufficient intensity (degree of difficulty and effort) to get the job done and your muscles stronger.
And there is your key - exercises that will strengthen your muscles will also build them back to their condition when you were a leaner, firmer and fitter you.
Once you do this you will find any excess body fat will disappear, you will feel so much more energetic and well you will scarcely believe it.
Try it and see for yourself.