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How To Approach Any Woman And Do It Without Looking Like A Sleazy Pickup Artist

Have you ever wanted to approach an attractive girl but couldn't because you were afraid? This used to happen to me all the time, and if you don't get scared like most guys do, I truly envy you.
Once I learned that women will unconsciously determine if they want to sleep with you in the first 2 minutes based on their first impression on you, I decided that I needed to get this area of my life handled.
So I set out on a journey to learn how to approach any woman, and have a pleasant interaction.
There are three things that I learned that you can use immediately, which will help you approach (almost) any girl with success.
If I said that every woman will respond positively I would be lying, and the honest truth is that about 1% of women out there don't want to talk.
But that still leaves 99%, right? Those odds are good enough for me.
The first thing that I started doing that really made me more successful was by getting rid of any lame pick-up lines or routines that have become annoyingly popular lately.
You may not believe me when I say this, but the best pick-up line in the world (if said with confidence, happiness, and certainty) is "Hi, I'm [name], I thought you were cute and I had to meet you.
" The truth of the matter is that women hear all sorts of dumb, pathetic, and lame pick-up lines every day.
Do you really think that she doesn't know that you are interested in her? Honesty, if done the right way, is powerfully attractive.
Women want a man that knows what he wants, and isn't afraid to go get it.
Remember this fact, 90% of how people perceive you is how you is based on body language and voice tonality.
I've found that an equal mixture of dominance and happiness is the best tonality to use.
If your voice tonality sounds like you are asking a question, in other words if your tonality slopes up at the end, focus on having a more relaxed tonality.
How do you talk to your friends or family? Do you "try" to get approval from them, or are you just laid back and cool? Why should you be any different around a woman? By doing these two simple things you'll attract more women, with less effort, and you won't come across as a sleazy pick-up artist.

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