Family & Relationships Family

Funeral Poetry

There are so many parts to a funeral.
It can be quite overwhelming.
What should be included what should be left out? Should there be pictures of your loved one? Who will speak? Well one of the things you will want to make sure you include is some funeral poetry.
Poetry at funerals is such a beautiful part of the service.
It always touches everyone's hearts.
Whether to write or choose a poem that has already been written is sometimes a hard choice.
There are so many sad and wonderful poems already written for funerals.
It makes it easy to choose.
When you are looking for just the right words to express your feelings.
You will need to look in books and the Internet.
Your funeral director will also have lots of great examples to choose from.
Just look with your heart and you will find exactly what you are looking for to soothe and express your feelings.
Which ever you choose to do write it yourself, or borrow someone else's words.
Everyone will appreciate your hard work.
You will have expressed what they are all feeling inside.
Be prepared for others to ask you for a copy of your wonderful poem.
As this makes a great remembrance of the loved one.
If you ask the funeral home, they will make copies of funeral poetry for you and you can choose the stationary that best suits your work.
Sometimes they even offer to laminate the poem for you, so that you can have it always.

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