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Diabetes and Weight Loss A Are Permanent Enemy

Diabetes refers to as the occurrence of improper regulation of blood sugar or glucose in the body. The most common source of glucose is through carbohydrates food(s). But God has design the human body in such a way that it can also convert other excess nutrient such as protein, lipids etc into carbohydrates. So carbohydrate in food may occur in different forms for example in milk it's lactose, fruits sucrose and in yam and tubers as starch (polysaccharides) e.t.c. So virtually every food we eat contains carbohydrate either as a major or minor component of food. Blood glucose or sugar is needed in our everyday life for activities such as dancing, talking. Walking, manual labor, strenuous exercises and so on.
How carbohydrate does relate with diabetes?
When food containing carbohydrate is eaten, the digestion of food begins from the mouth and ends in the small intestine: the waste is passed to the large intestine as faeces. At the small intestine the nutrients is forwarded to the liver. The liver helps in blood regulation and transport the nutrients to where it is needed in the body. When there is decline in insulin production from the pancreas and there is an increase in blood glucose level that exceeds the kidneys threshold it spill into urine. Which may be called Diabetes mellitus, meaning €flow of urine€ (Diabetes) that tastes €sweet€ (mellitus) which simply means sweet urination. Diabetes could either be hyperglycemia which means excess high blood sugar in the body or hypoglycemia which means low blood sugar level in the body. The hyperglycemia is stabilized by the hormone called insulin, while hypoglycemia is regulated by the hormone called glucagon.

Types of Diabetes
There are two major type of diabetes, these are;
1. Type 1 Diabetes, sometimes called insulin-dependent or Juvenile-onset diabetes: - usually diagnosed in children or young adults. It's sometimes diagnosed in older people, but that is a rare occurrence. Often the symptoms of Type 1 will come on suddenly and be very intense. The symptoms of Type 1 diabetes are:
€ Abdominal pains
€ Fatigue
€ Sudden increase in thirst
€ Increase urination
€ Nausea
€ Vomiting
€ Weight loss despite increased appetite

2. Type 2 Diabetes sometimes called non-insulin dependent or adult onset diabetes: - It's usually an occurrence in people over 40 years with excessive body weight, and lives a sedentary lifestyle. Doctors agree that Type 2 diabetes can be controlled with appropriate dieting, increase in physical activities especially sports, walking and jogging as well as weight control.. In Recent time, there had been substantial increase in type 2 diabetes occurring in children, due to overweight and junk food consumptions. Type 2 diabetes occur majorly as a result of poor dietary intake. The symptoms of Type 2 diabetes are:
€ Increased thirst
€ frequent urination ( €polyuria€)
€ Extreme hunger ( €polyphagia€)
€ Weight loss
€ Fatigue
€ Blurred vision
€ Slow-healing sores or frequent body infections
The Good News for Diabetes Patients
Diabetes is not usually listed on death certificates as cause of death, but as a major contributing factor to cause of death or as an "underlying condition". That's the bad news. The good news is that diabetes can be treated and controlled. Those who are diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in their childhood can expect to live a normally long and healthy life provided they adhere strictly to medical advice. Type 2 diabetics are usually diagnosed later in life and can also live to old age, provided they have good medical treatment and adhere to medical advice. One of the most important aspect of controlling both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes is maintaining the right level of sugar in the blood through €dieting€, €exercise€, and medication. Diabetes patients are advised to take recommended diet that would enhance their blood sugar controls. For suitable diets €SEE THE LINK BELOW€. The foods can be varied, but the calorie/carbohydrate content must be constant. Consistency is the key to controlling blood sugar levels.
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