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Out With The Old, In With The New: Trends Of 2011

Fashion is sometimes as cruel as it is glamorous. Failure to keep up with trends can see you quickly become a fashion pariah. Certain items of clothing and accessories that were ‘In' last year have suddenly lost their luster and look as dated as something from the ‘Roaring Twenties'. Instead of suffering in silence or angrily lashing out at the industry, retract those claws and embrace the chance to add to your wardrobe once more as well as digging up some classic looks that are creeping back into fashion circles in 2011. Be sure to keep up to date with upcoming trends by browsing through various industry publications and websites like that of the Compass Trading Company who constantly re-stock their stores to keep up with demand.

Biker Fashion

For several years, military fashion was ‘In' with men and women proudly sporting regalia that made them resemble an army officer. A long green army greatcoat with brass buttons was the style, accompanied with aviator boots. Military fashion's run at the head of the fashion parade has finally come to a close and is being replaced by biker clothing. The biggest element of this new style is a motorcycle jacket which can be any color you choose. Although traditional leather jackets will doubtless be worn, silver jackets are also highly sought after. These will naturally be accompanied by leather pants though there is also an alternative in the form of a leather skirt.


The 80s revival looks to have been firmly consigned to the bin in favor of a glam 70s look. All sorts of 70s fashion looks and <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/4099123');" href="/links/?u=">fashion accessories</a> have returned including hot pants for those who dare to bare. Jumpsuits also look set for an unlikely comeback and will be joined by high-waisted pants with flares. The 1970s night look is also set to make a reappearance in the form of long slinky gowns, with tuxedo jackets and high sheen fabrics also set to return to wardrobes all over the world.

Kitten Heels

Clogs will still be heard thudding on floors but not with the same regularity as in 2010. Expect this trend to start dying out towards the end of the year with kitten heels set to make a surprise return in 2011. These could be seen as a smaller heeled version of stilettos though they lack the elegance of high heels. Kitten heeled sandals look likely to be a hot item for Spring with comfortable footwear being chosen above the more-chic but less comfortable brands on the market.

Fashion doesn't just change with the seasons, it changes with the times so keep up to date before the Fashion Police arrest you for attempting to pass off old trends as new! Head to <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/4099123');" href="/links/?u=">Compass Trading Company</a> to stay up to date!

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