Family & Relationships Conflict

How to Save Your Relationship - By Doing the Same Exact Thing Your Ex Is Doing

The most important thing you must understand if you want to save your relationship is this: You were once a challenge to your ex.
Whether or not you where the one who had the highest maintenance in the relationship, each and every one of us in a relationship are a challenge at some point, because this is what sparked the relationship and this are what will keep things going.
Everyone loves a challenge; this is what makes a person so attractive.
There will be no attraction if there is no challenge.
If you're like many then creating friction between you and your ex is probably the last thing in your mind.
However, playing it safe all the time is one of the worst thing you can do and if this is you, than that's probably where the problem lies.
Why? Because your no longer a challenge to your ex.
This is bad, because your ex will be well aware that they can have you back whenever they want in a snap of a finger.
The last thing you want is for your ex partner to think is that they have you wrap right around your finger.
If you truly want to keep the spark in your relationship, then you must become a challenge again.
How? By showing him/her they no longer in charge in your relationship as they once were.
Maybe you felt guilty over the breakup and started showering him/her with gifts to make them "see what they're missing".
But this is the biggest mistake you can make.
Why? Because, you're clearly sending out signals that can't live without them and your ex will pick that up immediately.
Trust me; no one likes a needy person, because it's not attractive at all.
You are basically telling your ex that you have no self-esteem.
The only way to regain their respect is by taking away all the power you have given them.
The best way to do this is by refraining from having any communication with them.
Why? Because you want to make yourself seem exclusive, think about it, isn't that your ex is doing to you.
If so, which I'm positive they are, I'm sure it had some effect on you.
Become a challenge again.
Don't call your ex, don't text; don't do anything that involves communicating with them for a while.
If they decide to reach out to you, don't answer.
If they call again and leave a message asking why are you not picking up the phone.
Instead of calling them back, send them a text and explain to him/her that you need a little time to get yourself together.
More than likely they will try to contact you again to push the issue, just say you rather not speak right now.
This will drive them crazy.
However, be sure to answer any other questions they may ask.
Our goal is to become a challenge again to them back - not rude to push them further away.
This no communication rule is very important if you want to save your relationship.
Too much communication can easily ruin any chance you may have of reconciliation.
Doing this will actually make your ex feel good about breaking up, because it clearly show that you still want to be friends.

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