Technology Mobile-Cell-Phone

Telmex Voicemail Instructions

    • 1). Dial "*86" on your Telmex device to access your voicemail. If the voicemail feature has not yet been set up, dial your temporary personal key "1234."

    • 2). Dial "*86" on your Telmex phone and enter your new password to access messages from the voicemail mailbox. You will hear any new messages along with previously saved messages.

    • 3). Dial "*88" and your 10-digit telephone number followed by the "#" key to access messages from another Telmex phone. Then enter your personal key followed by the "#" key. Follow the automated instructions to replay, save, delete or forward the message.

    • 4). Change the personal key by dialing "*86," then enter your current personal key followed by the "#" key. Follow the automated instructions to set your new personal key.

    • 5). Schedule the number of rings before the voicemail answers a call by dialing "*66*" and enter the number of seconds followed by the "#" key. Remember that every 5 seconds equals a ring.

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