Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Choosing the Right Domain Name

It doesn't matter what type of business you are preparing to start-- if you plan to have a presence on the Internet, choosing a proper domain name is an important step that should be given serious consideration.
Take a moment and think about some of your favorite websites' URL's.
More than likely they will have a couple of things in common:1) they express, in some way, the content of the website and 2) are short in the number of characters utilized.
These are both good points to keep in mind when choosing your domain name.
Let's take a closer look.
CONTENT OF SITE:Many effective domain names can tell a potential visitor what the website is about without even clicking on the link:I.
Most people, if not everyone in this galaxy, know that the Wal-Mart .
com domain is going to have something to do with the giant retailer.
The association is immediate.
This is the effect for which all online businesses should strive.
From a visitor's standpoint, a domain name consistent with the content lends credibility to the website.
Search engines may not be as concerned about the domain name given the importance of the title meta tag right now, but that doesn't change the potential visitor's interpretation of your URL when viewing search results.
Think about it.
If your search query results for "bicycle repair" presented you with a choice between two websites, one of which was "easybicyclepair dot com" and the other "mynameissmith dot com", which one would you most likely choose? It's basically a no-brainer.
SHORT AND TO THE POINT:If at all possible, make your domain name short.
This translates to less typing for the surfers, as well as a lesser amount of recall required remembering the location of your site (just in case they forgot to bookmark it).
Securing a short domain name isn't always an easy task to accomplish.
Many of the short names are already taken, so it may require a little brainstorming on your part to create something you're happy with that's short & also associated with your content.
Though it may take a little longer to pinpoint just the right name, it will pay off in the long run.
For instance, you could come up with a domain that's "catchy" or even "cute" with a little extra effort & time spent.
This will definitely help solidify your site's location in your visitor's minds.
Advertisers have long known this to be true & have utilized its potential through television, radio and billboard ads for years.
A good domain name will do the same thing as an ad jingle: get stuck in a person's head.
If you can create something short & catchy that also points to your content, you'll have the best of both worlds.
Furthermore, if you ever do plan to advertise through those other avenues, a catchy domain name could mean the difference between a potential customer either forgetting your site or wondering why they can't seem to get your dot com out of their head.
IN CONCLUSION:Don't overlook the importance of choosing a good domain name as a vital step in your business-building plan.
While the domain name doesn't always mean the difference between success and failure, a short, descriptive and catchy domain name may just be money in the bank.
Copyright 2006 Craig Binkley

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