Family & Relationships Conflict

Understanding and Resolving Relationship Conflicts - 6 Common Relationship Problems

Relationships, even at their best, are classrooms for some pretty complicated lessons.
But relation problems and conflicts are still only lessons - gifts or opportunities for discovery.
If you stand and face your relationship problems with a determination to learn how to resolve the underlying conflict, you will grow smarter and stronger - able to create the relationship you desire.
One of the keys to resolving relationship conflicts lies in understanding the nature of the problem.
Here is a list of six-common relationship problems to help you identify potential sources of conflict that need your attention: 1.
Unspoken/Unmet Expectations.
It's hard to give someone what they want if you don't know what that is.
People go from being children and boyfriend-girlfriend to being married and mommy and daddy without much thought or discussion about what that might mean.
You can't play new roles with old scripts.
Fears and worries.
Though they might seem justified, fears and worries create stress; and stress creates illness and unhappiness.
Being calm and rational in the face of apparent reasons to be afraid or worried is often the difference between success and failure in all areas of life.
Besides fears and worries, other stressful problems, issues, topics, and activities create chaos in the nervous system and in relationships.
You can't be pleasant when you are stressed out; and if you can't be pleasant, you can't have a successful relationship.
How often are you stressed out? 4.
Outside influences.
Family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, television, and other outside influences can often create a distraction that robs precious time from a relationship.
It is your responsibility to be someone you'd want to be around if you expect for people to want to be around you.
Set priorities.
Sex issues.
Lack of sex, lack of intimacy, lack of connection, cheating, and other issues related to sex, can create problems for anyone not willing to learn and overcome adversity.
No matter how challenging a situation is, keeping your eye on the desired resolution, and consciously taking steps in that direction, is always the best approach.
Communication, compassion, love, and understanding will solve any problem you truly want to solve.
Lack of communication.
Communication solves problems; a lack of communication creates problems.
An open heart and an open mind will do a great deal for your communication skills - skills which will serve you in every area of life.
These are just some of the more common relationship problems; but they can all be resolved using the same approach: Listening, Learning, and Loving.
Just keep in mind that, if there's a problem, there is a restricted flow of energy, attention, information, or some other vital resource, into that area.
Focus on the problem with an intention to resolve it for the better with love and wisdom rather than simply continue to complain about it, or run from it.
When you recognize a problem, and declare the resolution you desire, the problem often solves itself.
And, even when it doesn't, the right answer, or the right help, always shows up just in time.
Knowledge is power.
Think about these issues and conflicts and you'll be steps ahead of most people - and much more likely to resolve your problems than run from them.

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