Balance Your Chakras With Acupuncture and Essential Oils
Chakra acupuncture combines the wisdom of ancient Indian medical knowledge and Chinese acupuncture.
In Indian traditional medicine (such as Ayurvedic medicine), the chakras are seven key energy centers.
The word comes from the Sanskrit for 'wheel of light'.
In contemporary alternative therapies the two systems have been usefully combined, both in reaching a diagnosis and in treatment.
Aromatherapy and the use of essential oils add a third level to this way of healing.
The seven principal chakras, or energy centers, are the material incarnation of the spiritual.
They are located on the midline of the body, in line with the spine from the cranium to the groin area.
There are many more chakras, but these seven - the root, spleen, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown chakras - are the most important.
The chakras correspond more or less to the 'organs' in Chinese medical terminology.
The fourth chakra, for example, correlates with the liver and spleen in Chinese medicine.
The different chakras are foci for different types of power and consciousness, such as personal power (third chakra), sexual potency (second chakra) and creative energy (fifth chakra).
The chakras are not only concerned with the flow of energy in the body but also with mediating positive and negative energy from the surrounding environment, that affects physical, emotional and spiritual health.
Chakra imbalances are caused by stress, illness, poor nutrition and social and spiritual problems, amongst other things.
Similarly to traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is concerned both with energy locations and the flow of energy, or qi, along channels or meridians.
Yin and yang are the positive and negative forces of qi.
Both acupuncture and the chakra circulatory system aim to restore balance, to release energy blockages and boost qi.
Chakra acupuncture brings together the power of the two systems.
Acupuncture needles inserted at the chakra locations are believed to achieve the aim of revitalizing the life forces and unblocking the energy channels.
The philosophy of aromatherapy, using essential oils, complements Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine still further.
The oil can be inhaled, applied to the hands or feet, matched to the particular chakra that needs re-balancing or simply placed within the patient's energy field.
The specific oil used may also be chosen according to principles of color therapy, with different colors corresponding to different chakras and their particular energies.
Different oils also have differing energizing effects.
The three therapies combine seamlessly and for many offer the answer to their physical and emotional needs.
Like other alternative ways of healing, chakra acupuncture with aromatherapy is a drug-free health path that takes into account that we are not just biological organisms but also spiritual beings.
In Indian traditional medicine (such as Ayurvedic medicine), the chakras are seven key energy centers.
The word comes from the Sanskrit for 'wheel of light'.
In contemporary alternative therapies the two systems have been usefully combined, both in reaching a diagnosis and in treatment.
Aromatherapy and the use of essential oils add a third level to this way of healing.
The seven principal chakras, or energy centers, are the material incarnation of the spiritual.
They are located on the midline of the body, in line with the spine from the cranium to the groin area.
There are many more chakras, but these seven - the root, spleen, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown chakras - are the most important.
The chakras correspond more or less to the 'organs' in Chinese medical terminology.
The fourth chakra, for example, correlates with the liver and spleen in Chinese medicine.
The different chakras are foci for different types of power and consciousness, such as personal power (third chakra), sexual potency (second chakra) and creative energy (fifth chakra).
The chakras are not only concerned with the flow of energy in the body but also with mediating positive and negative energy from the surrounding environment, that affects physical, emotional and spiritual health.
Chakra imbalances are caused by stress, illness, poor nutrition and social and spiritual problems, amongst other things.
Similarly to traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is concerned both with energy locations and the flow of energy, or qi, along channels or meridians.
Yin and yang are the positive and negative forces of qi.
Both acupuncture and the chakra circulatory system aim to restore balance, to release energy blockages and boost qi.
Chakra acupuncture brings together the power of the two systems.
Acupuncture needles inserted at the chakra locations are believed to achieve the aim of revitalizing the life forces and unblocking the energy channels.
The philosophy of aromatherapy, using essential oils, complements Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine still further.
The oil can be inhaled, applied to the hands or feet, matched to the particular chakra that needs re-balancing or simply placed within the patient's energy field.
The specific oil used may also be chosen according to principles of color therapy, with different colors corresponding to different chakras and their particular energies.
Different oils also have differing energizing effects.
The three therapies combine seamlessly and for many offer the answer to their physical and emotional needs.
Like other alternative ways of healing, chakra acupuncture with aromatherapy is a drug-free health path that takes into account that we are not just biological organisms but also spiritual beings.