Health & Medical Lose Weight

Jump Starting Your Diet is Revealed As the Fast Way to Lose Weight

The fast way to lose weight is to prime your body for fat loss and this can be accomplished by jump starting your diet.
The problem for many people who decide it is time to lose weight is that their body has become resistant to weight loss due to years of poor diet choices.
This article reveals the fast way to lose weight by sharing with the reader how they can jump start their diet.
The most important step to the jump start is getting the body to become an efficient body fat burner again.
The problem is that your body will take the easiest energy source available and if you are constantly feeding your body refined carbohydrates your body will become dependent on them for energy and neglect the body fat which is more difficult to convert.
So what do you do to make your body a more efficient fat burner? You take away it's easy energy source and you do this by eliminating carbohydrates from your diet after lunch.
By providing only protein, vegetables and some good fats in your diet after lunch your body is forced to relearn how to breakdown body fat for energy and this effectively primes your body for fat loss.
Try this for 2 weeks under your doctor's supervision.
Remove the refined carbohydrates such as cookies, baked goods, white bread and pasta, candy and sugary drinks from your diet for two weeks.
You will have a few cravings but remember to get fast results you need to allow your body to shift away from its dependence on refined carbs for energy.
Reduce late night snacking but if your stomach is growling and you need to eat choose a protein or vegetable snack.
These foods will not spike your insulin level which helps with fat loss.
Jump start your diet by shifting your carbs to early in the day, eliminating refined carbs and snacking smart at night and you will nail down the fast way to lose weight.

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