Health & Medical Women's Health

Natural Yeast Infection Treatment - 3 Powerful Secrets "They" Don"t Want You to Know About

On the lookout for a natural yeast infection treatment? There are plenty of them out there and they can be just as effective, if not more effective than store bought or even prescription medication.
They are also pretty easy to implement and are cheap too.
So what are some of the best methods? Well, here are three of the top cures that I found in my research.
Yogurt - The #1 Home Solution
With this natural yeast infection treatment, you're going to need some sugar free yogurt from your local store and a box of tampons.
The reason this yogurt treatment works so well is because yogurt is full of healthy bacteria, bacteria which will help fight off the yeast.
Now you can take this orally or, you can take this vaginally.
It's actually better to take it vaginally.
What you do, is you dip the tampon into the yogurt and then insert that, leaving it in for about 30 to 45 minutes.
Keep this up for at least two weeks to see a difference.
Buttermilk - It Tastes Just Like Chicken
Again, it's the same concept here.
There are a lot of good bacteria inside of buttermilk.
Now you may not drink this too often, or let's be honest, at all, but taking in a glass or two of this a day can really help you clear your system of yeast.
Olive Leaf Extract - Minus The Martini, and Olive
This is something you can get from your local supplement store relatively cheaply in a concentration of 500 mg per capsule.
Start off taking this two times a day.
Eventually up the dosage to three times a day and max out at four to six times a day.
This solution is not talked about too often, however it is one of the most potent.
Want More Information? So, if you're looking for a natural yeast infection treatment, these are some of the best out there, but to be honest.
They're not going to stop yeast infections from re-occurring.
That's because they don't kill off the yeast spores which remain dormant in your system.
In order to kill the spores off you'll need something more powerful than even store bought or prescription medication.

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