Business & Finance Outsourcing

Benefits of Consulting Eap Counselors

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) has been established to provide Professional and Confidential counseling to the management and employees.  Employee Assistance Program has been designed to provide a variety of benefits such as reduced absenteeism of workers, fewer medical claims from employees, improved work-efficiency, increased job satisfaction of staff members, fewer employee grievances etc.

An EAP is a worksite-based benefit scheme to improve management-employee relationship aimed at greater work output. EAP primarily assists with personal issues of employees that may impede productivity at work. The EAP counseling is to help the employee find the most effective means to deal with his/her individual problem. The EAP, coordinates with the employee, does an assessment on the nature of the problem and explores the best method of help. Depending on the type of insurance program the employee has chosen, EAP may use community resources, or suggest additional professional care. In certain select cases this might be provided through the EAP. The employee can rest assured that whatever he discloses to the EAP office will remain strictly confidential.

Under their self-referral scheme, you may also call the EAP office directly for any information or to fix an appointment. Your visit to their place, whatever you choose to discuss and all connected documents will be kept completely confidential. What you talk to the EAP officials or what records you show them cannot be released to anyone without your prior written authorization.

If it is found out that your personal problem is adversely affecting your work output, your supervisor may suggest help from the EAP office. Most supervisors do not have the skills or the professional training to examine the nature of your personal problems or suggest remedial measures. They are only qualified to look at the job situation and oversee your performance. If you choose to call the EAP office based on the advice of your supervisor, the only information the supervisor will receive from EAP will be confirmation that you kept your appointment.

Availing the EAP will not in any way interfere with your career or future growth within your organization. As a matter of fact EAP assistance may as well enhance your capabilities contributing to career development. However, it must be borne in mind EAP help does not exonerate you from the usual disciplinary procedures for employee lapses.

When you call on the EAP office, you will meet an EAP counselor and both of you will jointly identify and analyze the nature of your problem and the course of action necessary to resolve the problem. If it becomes necessary, the EAP counselor will suggest to you professional person, treatment center or any other agency most suited to help you overcome the problem. The EAP counselor will continue to work with you and monitor the work of the agency to make sure you are getting the best possible assistance.

As is well known, it is not your supervisor's job function to deal with your personal problems but he should be alert enough to ascertain if you happen to have any. The EAP also imparts training to supervisors to help them recognize if any employee has problems and EAP counselor is available for consultation even over phone in times of need. EAP, in short, is the organization's resource to enhance employee usefulness through prevention, identification and resolution of personal problems and productivity issues.

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