Health & Medical Autism

What Do Sensory Integration Therapists Do For Children with Autism?

Updated February 04, 2014.

A trained SI therapist evaluates a potential patient for sensory defensiveness, hypersensitivity, and sensory cravings, using several different scoring techniques. Some of the standard tests include:
  • Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT) for children between the ages of 4 to 8 years, 11 months
  • The Test of Sensory Integration for children between the ages 3 to 5 years (TSI)
  • The Bruininks Osteretsky Test of Motor Proficiency for ages 5-15 years

  • The PEERAMID for ages 6-14 years.
Says Dr. Lucy Jane Miller, Director of the Knowledge in Development Foundation which specializes in sensory dysfunction and sensory dysfunction therapy, "Evaluation is complicated; it's not a cookie cutter approach. Every child is different, so we need to know what type of vestibular and proprioceptive input does he need? I use stimulation during evaluation to figure out a child's nervous system. I create a chart with 7 systems up and along the side. I try to figure out how each system affects the other. So I don't just assume a child needs brushing -- but try to figure out how I can use auditory input to affect tactile reactions, etc. by the time I get to the tactile system, it's much more ready to be treated.
Depending upon the needs of the patient (usually a child), the SI therapist may use various techniques such as -
  • swinging
  • deep pressure therapy, which may include squeezing, rolling, etc.
  • jumping on a mini or full-sized trampoline
  • playing with a toy that vibrates, is squeezable, etc.

  • gross motor play such as wall climbing, balance beam, etc.
  • brushing and joint compression
SI therapists may also develop a sensory "diet," which may include a variety motor activities (spinning, bouncing, swinging, squeezing balls or silly putty, etc.), as well as therapist-provided interventions such as brushing and compressing arms and legs. The idea is that this "diet" will be provided throughout the day, whether by a trained therapist or by teachers, aides or parents. In theory, if a child receives appropriate intervention all day, he or she will be better able to take part in typical daily activities. ver time, say some therapists and parents, children are better able to focus, less likely to "stim" (flap, jump or spin inappropriately), and are often more comfortable in situations that involve a high level of sensory input.
Dr. Miller works specifically toward short term, lifeskills goals such as the ablity to stay in a loud space without over-reacting. In her practice, 20-30 sessions plus parent training is often enough to make a big difference in a child's daily life. Other therapists, however, work with children over the long term - sometimes for years.

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